Tag: dystopia

The Year is Now – Ebook Edition!

Break out those ereaders!

The Year is Now is available as an ebook!

I know I mentioned it several weeks ago, but that was when I was using a tablet (during The Without a Computer Times). Those were such bitless times indeed ;). My announcement didn’t come with any glittertastic graphics. This post is here to remedy that!

You can download The Year is Now from these retailers:
Amazon – Kindle
Barnes & Noble – NOOK

Stars or Stripes
I am still working my way through revising it. You have no idea how many names some characters went through before I found the perfect fit! That is a different topic for a future post.

Computers Behaving Badly and Something Awesome!

Where, oh where have I been? As much as I like the idea of traveling to the stars and exploring new galaxies, that isn’t the case right now.

The computer saga continues…
It had all the symptoms of a failed hard drive, so I did the normal thing and installed a new one. It worked beautifully for a few days. I thought that was that. Nope! I troubleshot everything from drivers, to faulty Microsoft updates, to the memory sticks. I even wiped everything and started over, which leaves only one piece of hardware as the culprit, the motherboard. 
Despite what people say, money does make the world go ’round. Without it, I’d be hungry and without a roof over my head. Until I can get more of said money, I am out of a computer (I’m working from a tablet).  Digital commissions are a no go for now, but I can still do old fashioned paper or canvas pieces. 
Well that was a Debbie Downer! How about I give you all some good news!
The Year is Now has joined the electronic world of the interwebz as an ebook!

For only $3.99, you can jump into the Empire, visit Pluto, and follow Elly and Pierson as they struggle through the wrenches that life throws at them!
It is available on lulu.com and the iBookstore (coming soon to Amazon). 

Excerpt Time, But First…

It looks like I missed this week’s Weekly Roundup. I blame the holidays, but don’t worry! I’ll make up for it. Here is an excerpt from Lucius Sinclair. Want to read the full thing? It is now FREE to download from the iBookstore and Lulu!

Elrond and Captain Kirk gearing up for New Years Eve. 
Gentlemen, it is not for another two days!
Excerpt from Lucius Sinclair
The following is (c) M.L. Crabb 2013
The anthem trickled through the speakers built into his flat screen television. Lucius Sinclair ignored it even though he was grateful for the sudden interruption. His pale hands were clammy, but they had finally stopped trembling. Vocational school was supposed to be different, he thought as the empire’s proud melody attempted to break through his concentration. Remus is in security, and I’m far away with the artisans…He swallowed and ran his fingers through his short hair.
Wisps of blonde fell in front of his eyes when the anthem was silenced by The Great Seal. Lucius gazed at the silver eagle; its downcast eyes were a reflection of the pain in his own. Did it have a twin brother whose only purpose in life was to-
“Good evening, citizens!” Ron and Barbara, the empire’s most popular news team, appeared on his TV. Their maroon business jackets complemented the khaki undertones of their skin. Barbara’s straight teeth glistened in the camera lens. “As you all know, the Annual Noble Treaty Festival is just around the corner!”
“That’s right, Barb,” Ron smiled. “In just two weeks, the streets will be paved in celebrations!” he winked. “But you and I both know that the unofficial partying has already gotten underway. Emperor Deigo Clinton is especially fond of the pre-festivities festivities.” Ron and Barbara placed their hands to their hearts, “as all citizens should be. The Noble Treaty Festival is an annual celebration that marks the birth of our great empire.” There was a pause. “The schedule of events has been released, but first to you, Barb.”
“Thank you, Ron. Before we can release the schedule, I have some sour news to report.” The cheesy grin that had been plastered over her face was replaced with a sullen frown. “A creeping twelp was captured yesterday.” A square of video footage appeared on the top right corner of the screen. A voke in a green beret with a face no older than his own stared from it, eyes wide.
“Vocational student Miles Cunningham was arrested for creeping the thoughts of his instructor. He has been found guilty and is scheduled for termination.” The image shifted. The same young man was sitting on a steel bench in a prison cell. His eyes seemed hollow, lined with circles, and his skin was a deathly shade of white. Lucius shuddered and glanced away. 
“Just eighteen years old,” Ron sighed. “Let this be a lesson to our viewers: this is what happens when parents don’t do the right thing upon infancy.” Lucius rose and walked to the back of his dorm room. It wouldn’t shut out the annoying broadcast, but at least he could plug his ears, close his eyes, and pretend it wasn’t happening. 
He could always step out into the hall, but the TV at the end of it would only be blaring the same thing. The young man frowned. So much for a welcome interruption…At this point, he wasn’t sure if he preferred the nasty spam of messages from his brother over Ron and Barb’s eerie story. His brother’s latest antic was showing off his stupid hemp tattoo and saying that Lucius better remember it—“Else, I’ll pound your face into the wall on my next weekend pass. Hoorah! The Prowling 42nd!” 
It was a ridiculous and hideous thing. On his forearm was a bulky omega symbol with two dots and “42nd” beneath it. Remus was waving it around in his last message like it was some sort of macho ritual. Ugh… never mind him. Keep your head low. Don’t be an idiot like Miles Cunningham…Don’t get caught.

The Outlanders – Issue 2

It is here a day early! I have to work tomorrow, and I may be coming down with something, so rather than leaving this to possible forgettary or I-need-sleep-now, I am posting it tonight!


A Brave New Look

Head over to “About this Blog” for details on the new look!

The Year is Now is not out yet, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get a sneak peak of it. I’ve turned one of the chapters into a standalone comic which will be updated quarterly (January, March, June, and September), complete with empire approved advertisements! Don’t worry if you miss an update, just click on “The Outlanders” on the side menu to catch up.

The Outlanders
The Year is Y.E. 0422, and Elly has been torn from her home. The world as she knew it is now just a faint, distorted glimmer in the empire’s past. Elly is trapped in a dystopian society even though she realizes a startling truth about herself: she is fitting in.

Little does the empire know the truth of her origins…When an opportunity to visit an Outlander reserve presents itself, Elly takes it. After all, the empire believes she is an Outlander for a reason.

It could be her only way back to the past.

Click on the images to view the full size!