Tag: dungeons and dragons

Grasshoppers and Dice

Travel season at work is officially over for the year! I like traveling and seeing new things, mind you, but it’s nice to be back on my normal schedule.

The ultimate ode to retro futurism

For those of you who follow me on Twitter and Instagram, you can see that I’ve already picked my devotion to Amazon’s the Man in the High Castle right back up! I can’t help it. The show is damn good. It is unique in every way, and I hope they continue writing excellent characters in Season 3!

Progress on Project Grasshopper: my fan project.

I cannot wait until it’s time to migrate everything to the actual shelf! This will be an on-going project, one of those things that will never end.

It’s also time to jump into Sisters again. Because the project requires so much research, I had to put it down for a lot of our travel season. …Then there’s the fact that I sort of wrote my characters into a bind! I will figure out how to get Ann, Werner, and Kathy out of the trouble I got them into, so help me gods!

Imagine a level 1 teenager (Kathy), a level 4 rogue (Ann), and a level 7 warrior (Werner) up against a Demogorgon—up against three different Demogorgons in three different places.

They keep rolling ones.

I need to get them rolling tens at the very least, for in storytelling, you can’t have everyone rolling twenties all the time. 😉

Weekly Roundup: Team America, DnD, and Space Cats

~ A quick recap of things around Empire Earth over the past week.

This Week in…
Team America: World Police
This is by far my favorite spoof movie. It was one of those movies I couldn’t stop laughing during. What does a decade-old silly spoof movie with puppets have to do with anything?
Sony was going to release a movie titled The Interview (a comedy about assassinating North Korea’s leader), but due to recent threats from hackers, they decided not to release it. Some theatres were going to host viewings of Team America instead, but Paramount put a stop to that.
What is my opinion? I honestly don’t care. Team America is just an awesome movie that I love, so I’m excited that it is in the lime light. We blare its unofficial theme song on special, ‘MURICA! occasions. 
 I scoured the Internet for the original source. I cannot find it! If anyone knows it, I’d be delighted to find out!
Why don’t I care about Sony and The Interview? I get up, eat, work, and go home. I really and truly honestly have no interest in politics anymore. I just like a stupid movie with funny puppits and awesome songs!
If you’re not offended by crude humor, rent Team America: World Police immediately! 
I was able to get a good dose of it in earlier this week, before the zombie swarm of holiday shoppers started filling up my beloved cafe chairs. When you are going into a round of editing and revision, there are times when you cock your head and wonder why you decided to change the nature of something mid paragraph when you initially wrote the thing.
“The giant space cat from Mars descended upon Earth with the meow heard around the world. She lifted her great head, and the masses flocked to her beck and call. Mittens was a mystical sorceress from the ancient land of G’la’Totally’Long’Name, a land far, far away.”
See? Mittens suddenly wasn’t from Mars anymore, and she’s suddenly a sword and sorcery sorceress. There was an instance where I was completely stumped. I needed a muse. I needed inspiration. I turned to my old Dungeons and Dragons books!
My problem was solved. I saw a picture, snapped my fingers, and thought of something to make my “Mittens” stick to one planet.
*There are no giant space cats from Mars or G’la’Totally’Long’Name in my current project. 😉
Currently Reading
I’m going to talk about what I finished reading: The Silmarillion. FIVE STARS. *Takes a deep breath* The book reads like someone’s account of mythology. It has every single twisted type of fantasy, characters, and romance that I love. 
Tolkien’s book is jammed back with pure awesomness. However, due to the way the stories are told (the mythology “looking above” route), I can see why some people don’t favor this particular book. The Silmarillion is one of those books that you will either love or hate. I notice that I tend to LOVE those sorts of books!