Tag: drawing

Sketching Through Those Hot Summer Days

How is everyone’s summer so far? I feel like Summer is always the shortest season—probably because it’s my favorite. Time flies when you’re having fun!

I’ve done a lot of drawing over the past few months. It’s crazy to look at art I’ve done just a few years ago last year!?!?!? and see how different my style is now. And no, I didn’t realize I did that Kathy drawing last year. I thought I did it in 2016! Mind blown.

I don’t know what spurred the change. I just remember having a severe case of art block sometime last year. On a whim, I started sketching a photo as it appeared because I couldn’t think of anything to draw (I can’t remember which one, but it was probably High Castle related. I’d bet money on it, ha ha!).

I enjoyed shading and sketching like that, so I kept doing it! It’s honestly therapeutic, especially after a long day’s work. I’ll normally find a documentary on YouTube, have my reference picture up beside it, and start sketching.

Other things I’ve been up to over the summer include expanding my antiques/WWII era collection (albeit, very slowly) and working on Sisters. I realize those aren’t the most exciting things in the world, but hey, I’m happy.

What have you been up to this summer? Finish any exciting projects? Travel anywhere?

A Very Glittertastic Commission Sale

It’s a sale!

I’m offering 10% off on all commissions for the entire month of August!

Head on over to Commission Corner for a sample of my digital work!

I am throwing in the option to choose a pencil and ink drawing for a flat rate of $10.*

If you want the picture shipped to you, please let me know when you place the order (you will have to pay S&H). I tend to fill my sheets of paper to the brim!

*Includes one character inked and shaded with or without a basic background

How to claim your glittertastic discount:
Shoot me an email at thecommanddeck[at]outlook[dot]com with glittertastic10 as the subject header.

* replace [at] with @ and [dot] with .
* I accept Paypal!
*Note: I work a full time job, so depending on the complicity of the commission, it can take anywhere from a few days to 2 weeks. 

Pencil and Ink Drawing Samples:

Mission Complete

Day 18 of my post-a-day challenge! I finished the drawing I mentioned in Animate Me and My September Sunday. When I set myself to something, I tend be obsessive about completing it.

I am pleased with the results. I did a slight animated version and a normal version. Whether or not it can be passed for a screenshot or part of some sort of anime is up to the viewer!

Elly from The Year is Now
This scene is not in the book or anything. I just liked the idea of her holding some kind of magical (or super sci-fi sphere that glowed).
The animated version! It’s only sparkles, but I thought it looked neat.

Something New

Day 17 of my Post-A-Day challenge! Yes, I fully admit that I missed yesterday. I was exhausted and grumpy. Blogging, crankiness, and a severe case of wanting the ZZZs is more like no. That is to say, it does not make a nice combination!

Day 17: Post something new.
* my own prompt because I want to show off my new keyboard.

She is smooth, lovely, and her keys glow! I have to take a moment and morn my old keyboard. She was almost 10 years old, from an old XP machine (a Gateway). She lasted a long time, but finally bit the dust this morning. ~Picture not included because she looked her age…Half the letters on the keys had faded off!

I already love my new one. Next up will hopefully be a new drawing tablet. By next, I mean in several months. My tablet is even older than the ancient Gateway keyboard.

Here is to wishing you had a happy Hump Day and will have a great practice Friday tomorrow.

~ Cheers!

Breezy Saturday

Not much to report on this fine, breezy Saturday. Things are finally slowing down to the point where I can get back into my old routine. I finished the sneak peak I had posted in my last post:

Click here to see the full image

“Omega Police!”
1000 by 1000 px || 2.5 hours || digital

I made a rough sketch with my tablet and then cleaned her up and colored using vexel tools. The background was done the same way, except I used my wood pattern and a few photoshop filters. I wanted “Miss Omega Police” to be the focus.

You can see the wood pattern I created in the sneak peak I posted last week!