Tag: draw

Rainy Days are Awesome

Day 25 of my Post-A-Day challenge! What do you do on your day off when it is constantly raining? If you’re me, you paint and draw. I must say that today was pretty awesome. It’s a shame the painting is a Christmas present because I am dying to share it! I went out of my comfort zone, and I’m really happy with it.

Yes, I am starting my Christmas gifts in September. As much as I loathe seeing Christmas decorations, I am making the gifts asap (the gifts themselves aren’t draped in reds, greens, Santas, or all things Christmas, so it’s okay!).

Major Pierson

This is the one thing I can show you. I’m going to do a digital version just as I did for Elly. Major Pierson is the other lead character, so it’s time he gets some of the spotlight. He is deep in thought. Poor guy. He inherited a mess!

I haven’t decided what I’m going to do tomorrow. It’s a toss up between working on Christmas gifts or writing…but I will get plenty of writing in on Saturday before work (writing in cafes is prime real estate for my muse).

My September Sunday

Day 14 of my Post-A-Day challenge! Today’s prompt is a repeat of the workout prompt, so I’m just going to ramble about my day.

There was an early morning meeting at work, but it was okay because today was Jersey Day. The bountiful supply of donuts and coffee was a plus too. Now that football season is finally here, Sundays are my favorite day of the week.

For one, if we donate a dollar to the charity of the month, we get to wear our jerseys. Two? Football tends to clear the place out. When you have a backend job like I do, this is like finding treasure. That treasure? Time!

Remember my not-so-secret-anymore goal I posted about on–was that yesterday!? It feels like a week ago. Okay, let’s start over. Remember my not-so-secret-anymore goal I posted about in Animate Me! (yesterday)?

Here is the what I hope will soon be that goal! This is Elly in a futuristic outfit gazing down at a tiny version of the portal that brought her to Y.E. 0422. The scene inside of it is in Chapter One (when she is walking around the Deserts of Athena just before Braxton shows up).

…And now comes the hard part: doing the digital version. Other artists are different, but digital versions take me 1,000,000 light-years longer to do than art on traditional mediums. >.<

Animate Me!

Day 13 of my Post-A-Day challenge! I promise, I am not tired this time.

Day 13: Post something you’d like to accomplish.

I would like to eventually draw something that could be mistaken for a screenshot from a cartoon or anime. By could, I mean completely mistaken for a frame out of an obscure animation show.  This is the first time I’ve ever shared this not-so-secret-anymore  wish of mine with anyone! The only way I’m going to get there is to keep drawing.

I haven’t had much time for drawing lately, but I was inspired by something I saw today. Will my next picture be “the one,” the image that makes people wonder if it is out of some sort of cartoon? I hope so because I would love to finally accomplish my not-so-secret-anymore goal.

Oh, and Furby, Dumb Cat, and White House in Space have nothing to do with anything. I just felt like photoshopping that tonight.