Oh my!
August was such a hot month!
I’ve been taking strides to get rid of the unwanted sort of busy, so for the month of August, I have had plenty of time to do what I enjoy most!
What is old is new
I wanted to clean up my old digital art technique; I used this month to play around with it. The three samples below show my progression as the month went on, and I am absolutely thrilled with how the third one came out!
I first drew the pictures on paper, snapped pictures of them, and then uploaded them onto my computer. I did the “digitalizing” in photoshop.
You can view full, larger versions of these on my DA account (I’ve included the links). Since they are all Babylon 5 related, I’ll just put the disclaimer here:
Babylon 5 (c) J. Michael Straczynski. I did not create that universe, and nor do I own it.

Full/Large version
“Walking in the Park” – Based off of a short fanfic I wrote
Remember this sketch in my previous post?

Full version
“Prelude” – Prelude to the disappearance of Lyta Alexander

Full version
“The Question” – Alfred Bester asks himself a question
I’m going to stick with the trend of digitalizing some of my pencil drawings. Here is a preview of one that I’m working on right now.

Books read
I’m still at 7/3. I’m currently reading All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque. It’s a great book so far. If you get queasy from blood and gore, it may not be the book for you, but I highly recommend it. I’m about halfway through it.
August Commission
Warning: image may be offensive to some.
Click the link at the end of this post to view it. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!
Crude humor saves the day! This is exactly what the client (a coworker) wanted, and he issued a happy hoot when I delivered it to him. The picture was a hit on his side of the building.
The Last Supper, a Velvet Elvis