Tag: december

December Reflections

We are in the second half of December, where the new year is glimmering just beyond the horizon. Christmas is almost here, and so is the season of setting new goals and striving to reach new heights–I realize I just sounded like a commercial for a gym membership, but hey, ‘tis the season!

I like to look back at my previous goals and see if I remembered what I wrote and if I accomplished what I had set out to do. Let’s take a look at December 2017.

My goal for 2018 is to finally—once and for all—to crack out of my shy Internet-self shell! I’m not a Marvel character with a quick, witty quip for every occasion. I’m not the most hyper active conversationalist, especially on the fast-paced platform that is Twitter (home of High Castle happenings).

Well…I definitely forgot I wrote that, ha ha! My how things have changed! Mission accomplished? I feel like this is an ancient fear I had back in the Beforetimes or something. The key to this endeavor was not giving a fuck. That’s it. I stopped stressing out over sounding “buzz worthy.” Trying to sound like someone else just because they get thousands of likes and follows is not the way to go. Trust me.

Let’s look at the short list of goals I made in 2017.

1. Taking my art to new levels

I’d say I improved a lot! I never thought in a million years I’d do realism. This is all thanks to the wonderful friends I’ve made via The Man in the High Castle and the amazing people who have worked on the show. You give me so much motivation to continue creating art! THANK YOU. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

2. Getting my novel, Sisters, polished and ready to publish

I am slowly getting there. 2018 made certain themes difficult.

3. Creating more black and white photo aesthetics

I forgot about this one, and I think this morphed into pencil sketches.

Okay, so now that’s out of the way, what do I want to do in 2019? 

I refuse to give up on Sisters just because of “the times.” I suppose this is my next fear to get over. I mean if someone doesn’t read the disclaimers I have plastered everywhere, then that is their problem. I don’t say this to be mean, but there is a frightening, growing trend of glossing over disclaimers, letters from the author, and wanting to ban books that may have something controversial in them. I’m going to be honest: this trend scared me away from Sisters for a time (no matter how fierce my disclaimer was or how Ann and Kathy began to question their environment, I was still terrified of moving forward). I ended up hiring a professional beta reader, and I’m glad I did! They gave me excellent, well written feedback that I’m going to use to improve the story.

Continue to improve my art!

Maybe make art/peg dolls a side gig and start selling it? I am giving this some serious thought!

Continue to fight my inner shyness. This has always been a struggle for me. I’ve lost count the number of times I didn’t get credit for something due to my inherent inclination to say nothing because people are scary (lol!). I made huge strides this year, especially at work (where it counts!) and want to continue this.

Here’s to hoping 2019 is a year of joy, progress, and peace!

What do you want to accomplish in 2019?

Kindness Matters

In this era of lightning fast doom and gloom news and social media tirades, the beautiful side of humanity is often drowned out and shoved to the back. We forget to pause and remember the little things, the tiny gestures that restore our faith in humanity. 

Kindness matters.

If I ever ran for president, this would be my platform.

“Teacher, I have the wrong coins.” 

Let’s rewind this a bit…okay, a lot. Let’s go all the way back to grade school. I was 5 or 6 years old, and my family was extremely poor. I remember the powdered milk that came in boxes and getting hand-me-downs from some of the other children in Sunday school. We even qualified for discounted school lunches at 40 cents.

Young me knew what three coins I had to bring: a big one, a small one, and a tiny one (a quarter, nickel, and dime). One morning, I only had the tiny and small one. I put them in my pocket and worried all morning about not having the big one. The teacher had us line up for lunch, after which, she’d lead us out of the classroom and into the cafeteria.

My nerves nagged at my senses, and I thought for sure the lunch lady was going to send me right to detention without lunch for not having the big coin. I panicked and shuffled my feet to the end of the line. The teacher noticed that I looked upset and asked what was wrong.

“Teacher, I have the wrong coins!” I wailed. I produced the dime and nickel, showing them to her in my tiny, trembling palm. “I need a big one and I don’t have a big one!”

“It’s okay,” she said in a soft voice. She started digging in her large purse. “Here you go,” she smiled, placing a quarter into my hand. Relief washed over me as I stared at the three coins.

This is one of those memories that has always stayed with me. That teacher made sure that I would not go hungry that day, and I’ll never forget that moment of kindness when she placed the quarter into my open palm. They wouldn’t have given me detention for something like that, but when you’re a little kid at school, EvErYtHiNg is scary enough for detention! 

It’s gestures like this that should be spread all over social media. It’s moments like this that restore my faith in humanity.

Do you have a memory that you’ll forever hold onto because someone was kind to you?

Be kind out there,

Weekly Roundup – MMO Winter Fun and Games

~ A quick recap of things around Empire Earth over the past week.

This Week in…
I survived my second Black Friday. If anyone was wondering why Weekly Roundup was on hiatus last week, you have your answer. With everyone opening Thanksgiving night now, we only get a few hours of sleep before we have to be up and at it again. Free food and Monster drinks were a huge helper in that endeavor.

MMO Land
December can be such a fun month; you have awesome festive food, treats, lights, gifts, and dual pistols that shoot giant snowballs.

 Screenshot is from last year’s Star Trek Online winter event

I love hopping into my favorite MMOs and joining in their winter events. I snag as many of the freebies as I can. It is the only time I actually enjoy *le MMO grind.* Lord of the Rings Online tends to have amazing outfits. Star Trek Online has awesome snow blasting weapons. I remember the original Guild Wars had a tradition of giving away amazing hats and headpieces! I would camp the timed instances for each of my characters in order to get the much sought after holiday headgear.

Currently Reading
The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien – This book is awesome. There is no other way to put it. I did not expect to enjoy this book as much as I am. I honestly expected something dull and long winded. It is anything but! The only reason I am not giving it 5 stars right now is because I haven’t finished it yet.

Matters of Opinion
My blunt, unabashed thoughts in 140 characters or less:
I want a month long vacation without any monetary consequences. I just want to take a month off from work and do whatever I want.

Video of the Week
It’s people like this guy who turn crummy situations into awesome things:

There will be no The Outlanders update this month. I apologize for this, but ‘Tis the holiday season, the most busy time of year. I really want that month >.>