Tag: cover reveal

2014 Cover Launch Party

It is finally here! Get those imaginary drums rolling…

*    *   * * ***********!

The cover for The Year is Now:
Click to make the images larger

And because Captain MewMew insisted, here are photos of my proof copy:

 I am currently going through the proof to ensure that everything is perfect before the publishing process enters its final stage!

And now…Let’s have another imaginary drum roll!

*    *   * * ***********!  


Third Place:
DJ’s Moon Cupcakes!

DJ, you win 1 personalized digital character card and 1 personalized wooden peg doll!

Second Place:
Vitallani’s cartoon!

Vitallani, you win your favorite beanie, 1 personalized digital character card, and 1 personalized wooden peg doll!

Valerie’s “Walking on the Moon”

 Valerie, you win 1 signed copy of The Year is Now, 1 surprise painting or beanie (at your request ☺), 1 personalized digital character card, and 1 personalized wooden peg doll

Winners: be on the look out for an email! 
Physical prizes will be mailed out as soon as The Year is Now is published.
Digital prizes will take up to 2 weeks to be completed and emailed.

I want to thank everyone who participated! This was fun! I may hold another contest in the future. Be on the lookout, especially when it comes closer to publishing time!

Captain MewMew has something to say

The Cover Launch Party is just around the corner! A huge thank you to everyone who participated. The results will be posted Saturday evening. Captain MewMew also has a special thank you:

I am feeling under the weather tonight. My personal remedies for subawesome energy are:

1. Water
2. Orange juice
3. Tea
4. Power opera metal
5. Drawing
6. Netflix guilty pleasure shows which will never be revealed to anyone but the NSA (they probably already know my embarrassing guilty pleasure shows).
7. Sleep

So far, I’m up to #4. #5 is about to happen while #4 blasts through my tiny computer speakers.

Have a good evening, everyone!

2014 Cover Launch Party

The pieces are finally starting to fall into place, and the finish line is within site. World Domination Cat has nothing on me! Since I’m thrilled that The Year is Now is almost here, I decided to throw a contest with awesome prizes! The winners will be revealed when I release the cover!

“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” – Neil Armstrong, 21 July 1969

I want you to create something based on that epic quote. The universe is the limit. If you knit, let those needles take off! Draw? Awesome; I want to see it! Can you sew? Make a wreath? A diorama? Dress your pet up? Make a meme? Do it!

Entries will be judged on effort and creativity


I’m giving out:

1 signed copy of The Year is Now!

 2 beanies or
2 (3in by 3in) mini paintings

3 personalized digital character cards. Put yourself in Elly’s shoes! 

3 personalized wooden peg dolls!

1 Signed copy of The Year is Now
1 Mini painting or beanie
1 Personalized digital character card
1 Personalized wooden peg doll

1 Mini painting or beanie
1 Personalized digital character card
1 Personalized wooden peg doll

1 Personalized digital character card
1 Personalized wooden peg doll

All participants have until 15 May 2014 25 May 2014 to submit their entries.
 The winners will be revealed on 31 May 2014! At that time, I will also unveil the cover to The Year is Now!
 * Prizes will be mailed out once The Year is Now is published. The digital character cards will be emailed out within a 2 to 3 weeks of the announcement.

How to Enter
 + Read the rules and follow them.
 + Send me an email at thecommanddeck [at] outlook [dot] com
+ Use 2014 Cover Launch Party Entry as the subject so that I know it’s not spam.
+ Attach a photograph of your work (or a copy of your work if it is a digital drawing/photograph).
+ Fill out this form in the body of your email:

Nickname: (if you don’t want your real name revealed to the Internet)
Preference 1: Your first painting or beanie choice
Preference 2: Your second painting or beanie choice (just in case the 1st and 2nd place winners want the same thing)
Your Entry: Tell me a little bit about your entry! It doesn’t have to be long; one sentence will do

+ No plagiarism. I have ways of detecting it.
+ ONE entry per person.
+ If you are creating a meme, the photos must be original (basically, I need to see effort).
+ You must be willing to provide your address so that I can mail you your prize if you are one of the winners. Your mailing address will be kept private.
+ You must be willing to have your work showcased on this blog if you are one of the winners. Credit will be given to you, of course!
+ International entries are okay!
+ Your work must NOT include any of the following: nudity & sexual content or HATE (this includes hate based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or age)
+ You must be 18 to enter. The Year is Now has mild language, violence, and adult themes

Direct all questions to the email address provided with Cover Launch Party Questions as the subject.