Tag: costume

A Very Stylish Geeky Sunday

Costumes, costumes, and more costumes! I am here for this. Before COVID, I was an avid purveyor of all things cosplay and even cosplayed incognito, so today’s prompt is something I have been looking forward to. 

15th November – Adorn

Last month we were talking about visual locations with Embellish, and this month Adorn brings us to costumes! Characters wear an assortment of outfits throughout fandoms and this week we’re talking all about costumes, fashion and more.

If you could steal any character’s wardrobe* which would it be?

I was just having this conversation with @ChelahFan on Twitter! Ever since I first watched The Man in the High Castle way back in 2015, I was mesmerized with Helen’s Smith’s beautiful wardrobe (it was just so classy that I wanted to look like her). I’ve been slowly phasing my wardrobe into a mixture of vintage (reproduction dresses), modern, and pinup. 

Dressing like her is a lot of work. You’ve got the retro dresses which require some clever ways to keep warm in the winter, and then there is the hair. Oh, the hair. It takes a lot of practice and patience to get it right because, without a vintage-do to go with the dress, it just doesn’t match the look. 

Then COVID-19 happened, and my hair is almost to my waist now (the longer your hair is, the harder it is to style like that), and since I’m working from home, there is no motivation to put all of that time and effort into it (I miss wearing my dresses!). 

What superhero’s costume do you love and which do you hate?

As much as I hate Stormfront from The Boys, I like the style of her costume. I’d make a few changes, of course. I’d ditch the earrings and change the belt. Her costume is practical (with the exception of no pockets), and I just adore the way her cape drapes down her back.

Before I get into one I hate, I need to delve into a pet peeve of mine! It irritates me to no end when there is this need to  change a superhero’s costume every single movie the character appears in. They normally make it worse, less imaginative, and more discrete/blend-in-with-the-crowd (whyyyyyy). Leave good things alone, damn it! Shout out to The Boys for NOT doing this! 

The only type of costume I really hate is overly skimpy costumes for female heroes, you know the type…where it barely covers her chest, and her ass cheeks are hanging out. 

You’re riding into battle; who’s armour do you choose?

Loki’s Asgardian armor from The Avengers. It is nice and form-fitting while protecting the chest and shoulders. I’d change up the helmet because I’m too clumsy for horns, ha ha! 

Who wore it better; pick an outfit that’s been worn by multiple characters and tell us who wore it best.

Captain America’s costume – worn by Loki and, of course, Steve Rodgers. Sorry Loki, but Steve wore it better!

From utility belts to magical backpacks, accessories in fandom can be anything and do anything. Which one would you choose to borrow for a day?

A bag of holding (a small bag that matches my costume, of course!). As someone who hates carrying purses, I want a tiny discrete bag of infinite holding attached to my belt. The purses I *do* carry are small because I already hate having it dangle and get in the way.

You’ve been given the chance to redesign a character’s appearance? Who is it, why and what would you change?

Emma Frost from X-Men. As I mentioned before, I am not a fan of skimpy, impractical costumes. I went on one of my favorite places, Doll Divine, and made a new costume for her!

Spook Yourself. Halloween is Coming.

In just 7 days we will get to wear costumes in public without being judged for it. Want to be a badass Jedi? Do it. Craving to channel your inner witch, vampire, ghoul, or goblin? Do it. Beam us up, Scotty, because we are ready!

What are you going to be for Halloween? 
Share your awesome costume ideas on Facebook or Twitter!

The rules have changed at my work. I was told I could wear something as long as I am still in my uniform. You better believe I am going to push this to the limit! 😉 I haven’t made my final decision yet because, let’s face it, pushing the limit takes some serious brainstorming. I’m leaning towards some kind of steampunk cat (cat ears, a tiny top hat, and one of my gothic/western vests).

As for my characters, they don’t need to follow any rules!

From left to right: 
Jadelynn Jackson, Elly Reynolds, Major Pierson, and Aaron Winters*

Jadelynn: I found these adorable cat ears for only 5 credits! I don’t care what everyone at the office thinks! I’m still 12 years old at heart! *Takes selfie* 
Elly: I am the queen, and nobody can tell me otherwise. I wanted to be a witch again, but being the same thing two years in a row is lazy…Darn it. I love my witch hat!
Major Pierson: I hate you, Elly. I hate you. I hate you. This outfit is stupid. Why did I agree to this!? A jailbird!?  *Grabs a glass of whiskey* 
Aaron: … 
*Yes, that is Aaron as Thranduil. 

DIY – Your own Star Trek Redshirt

A quick costume for the Trekkie at heart. Wear it at parties, incognito, and at conventions!

It’s not an authentic Star Trek uniform, but it will do the job if you just want something simple. What you will need:

1 Redshirt – You can either recycle an old T-shirt or pick one up at the store. They run relatively cheap. I got mine for less than $10. Pick a shirt that fits the way you want to fit it (I am not a fan of the droopy, over-sized awkward angle 80s flair that’s coming back in style. A regular V-neck T-shirt worked just fine!). 

1 Stitch Witchery Roll – These run under $5, and you will have a lot leftover to use for other projects. Stitch Witchery beats hours and hours of hand sewing any day!

2 Black Strips – Considering that 80% of my wardrobe is black, I had no trouble finding an old slip to butcher for this project (I never wore it anyway). You can use anything so long as it’s black.

Minor Sewing Supplies – Pins and a needle & black thread.

Step 1
Lay out your shirt and measure the length of the front neckline. For brevity’s sake, I’ll pretend that everyone has a V-neck–You will have a happier time with a V-neck…Trying to worm a black strip around an oblong collar is not my idea of a good time.

You will also want to measure the width of the neckline as well. Multiple it by two to leave room for the underside.You want some of your black cloth to be on the underside so that you can fold it over onto the front.

Tip: Measure the length from the point of the V to the tip on each side.

Step 2
Cut out two strips of black cloth using the measurements from step 1. I wanted mine to have a little pizazz, so I used the bottom section of my slip (the part with the lace on it).

Step 3
Cut four identical strips of Stitch Witchery. These will be used to attach the collar.

Step 4
Place one strip of Stitch Witchery on the half of your black cloth that is going to be on the underside of your collar. Flatten and pin it to the underside of your collar.

Step 5
Follow the instructions on the Stitch Witchery package to iron it together.

Step 6
Repeat steps 4 and 5 three times (once more for the underside of the second strip, and twice for the front sides). When you are ready for the front, take extra care when you are folding it over and pinning it. Make it as flat as possible.

When you are about to iron the final front strip, you may have to cut a few tiny pieces of Stitch Witchery to get the fold at the tip of the V right. 

Step 7
Once it cools down, make any necessary adjustments with your needle and thread. If you did a perfect job of ironing, you won’t need to venture into tedious waters like I did! I had to mend the point at the V shape.

 Step 8
If you want to go the extra mile and do the back part of the neckline, repeat the above steps. The back neckline is always slightly rounded, so tread those waters at your sanity’s risk!

 Add a badge, and you are done! 

2014 Trick-Or-Treat Giveaway

It is officially October (well, it has been for the past five days, but that’s beside the point…right?). Bring out the orange and black, the fake bats, goons, and goblins, and spin those webs of cotton! As for me, I will be enjoying many pumpkin spice lattes. Yes, I am extremely cliche when it comes to certain things in the mundane world of life. [ Insert winking emote here ]

 Happy BOOctober from Elly and Pierson! 
…Although he is not too happy about being forced into a Dracula costume.
I’m working on a spooky tale, chipping away at it when I can. The process is slow, but it’s better than never. In the meantime, if you want to get your Halloween spirit on, try Donner Lake Disaster on for size. It has a popping amount of pulp and Lovecraftian fun. The best part? It’s FREE!

2014 Trick-Or-Treat Giveaway!

Elly is feeling generous and wants to hand out treats at the end of the month. Watch out for Pierson though…he’s full of tricks!

Send me a picture of your Halloween costume, decorations, or you in costume by 11:59 p.m. on the 31st November 1st, and I’ll pick a winner. The winner will receive a paperback copy of The Year is Now

There’s a catch though: I need at least THREE entries. Pierson is just waiting to pull a trick!

Send all entries and inquiries to:

On November 2nd, I’ll announce the winner. If I don’t get enough entries, Pierson will take over this blog and post a trick! 

+ It has to be your costume, not just a screenshot of a super awesome costume on Amazon.
+ You do not have to be wearing it (you can take a picture of it hanging up or laid out).
+ Houses/Apartments decked out in Halloween decorations are okay–they just have to be yours.
+ International entries are okay! 

Costumes and Nyan Cat

Day 26 of my Post-A-Day challenge. I didn’t work on any Christmas gifts, but I did finish the accessories to my Attack on Titan Halloween costume.

It will be complete once the cloak comes in. There will be pictures, of course. I’m thrilled about this costume! Now I just need to ask my bosses to make sure I am scheduled to work that day, ha ha!

I didn’t do much other than that today. You  need a good lazy day every once in a while.

And for the actual prompt…
Day 26: Post something wacky.

 Nyan Cat
 Elders react to Nyan Cat