Tag: cold

Hoodies in May

I’ve been wearing hoodies all month and cursing the morning chill. What month are we in again? February? March?  MAY.

Anyone who lives in the Northeast is sharing my plight. Winter, you’ve had your run. It’s time to kindly GTFO because I’m sick of the jackets, tired of the hoodies, and fed up with wanting to hibernate as soon as I get home because I’m cold. I’ve built up a tolerance to chilly temperatures and snow, but it is MAY. May is supposed to be flip flop, barbecue, and everything outdoors month, not wrap yourself in a blanket and continue your winter hibernation month.

All the stores have their flags, paper plates, and all-things-grill stuff out for sell now. It’d be nice to pretend that I actually want to buy some of that stuff, but no thanks. It would be a recipe for a drenched disaster. Did I mention the rain? Two weeks straight. Yes. Two weeks. Two solid weeks of 40 degree weather and rain.

I realize there is absolutely nothing I can do to change the weather and that I’m ranting in the wind, but I need to vent somewhere. I’m not one of those “Oh, but you can put on as many layers as you want” people because you never actually get warm. I mean, you have to move at some point. The second you reach for your glass of water, bam, your fingers are suddenly freezing. Like I said, I tolerate winter now, but when it decides to steal May, I go crazy.

Give me sunshine. Give me warmth. Give me flip flops, and give me eighty degrees (at this point, I’ll settle for 65).  “But you can only take off so many layers…” I’d rather be hot, to be honest. I will never be a cold weather person. There is nothing on the planet that will ever change that about me.

Here’s to my fellow warm weather people!

You can find the original image on Wikimedia Commons

Weekly Roundup: I haz a sick

I am currently stumbling my way through a nasty cold.

When I am sick, I am about as pleasant as a cat in a bath and as creative as a rusted door knob. Having to work while being sick leaves me about as energetic as a napping sloth with a neck beard.

I am tentatively postponing this week’s post until Tuesday morning. I don’t have to be to work until the afternoon, so hopefully I’ll be more energetic and the worst of this lame cold will be over!


P.S. I am going to bed at the ripe old time of 8:00 p.m!

Remedies for a Cold

Happy Spring Solstice! Here’s to hoping that the St. Patrick’s Day snow was the last of it until the fall. As much as I like snow, I am more than ready to wear sandals.

My regular habits have been slowed lately because I’ve caught a nasty little cold. When I’m sick, trying to be productive is a lot like hitting a hammer into cement with a shoe. In other words, it’s not happening. I’m happy to say that my remedies for this bug have worked out well. I’m finally getting over it!

My remedies:
Store brand Nyquil/Dayquil
MMOing. Lots and lots of MMOing.

Playing an MMO is by far the best solution. (^_-)-☆

Screencaps are from Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO)

It gave me an opportunity to gather the necessary points to trade in for mithril coins, which were then traded for this fabulous dress…One has to look her best when fighting orcs. I have no regrets.

The Caption Says it all!

I’m not a winter person; not by a long shot! This is me when I’m cold. Imagine my discomfort when the wonderfully warm weather we’ve had all week took a turn down Icicle Lane. I wasn’t amused!

This was an exercise in the popular “speed painting” I keep seeing labeled on artwork. I decided to give it a shot. The sketch is all digital and was completed in 30 minutes. It was an interesting test, and I enjoyed it.