Tag: coffee

One Grumpy Morning

I take my coffee with almond milk or just straight black. What is your morning go-to drink?

Jadelynn Jackson has a case of the morning grumps
Don’t you dare suggest she have a pumpkin spice latte!

The public affairs department is forcing us to “human-ify” the RIA…I mean “Oh, look! We’re normal just like you guys!” …Because being in the RIA somehow makes us Extreme!Human. It’s not like we wake up just like regular civilians, whine about going to work, and shake off our crankiness by a super powered drink.

Here’s my top secret morning routine! I imagine a lot of this will be diluted into some sort of bland ritual involving “Oh, I must have my pumpkin spice latte before donning my perfectly pressed uniform! Emperor Be Praised!”

Okay, so here it goes. My alarm goes off every morning at five a.m. unless I’m working on a special case or I just pulled an all nighter. You better believe that I slam my fist on that annoying buzz machine. I can’t use my chit because one time I threw it across the room and shattered the screen. Yep. Not doing that again.

Once I grumble and curse the morning–Emperor, it’s not even light out yet–I throw my covers off, begrudgingly stagger across the room, and pull my workout gear out of my wall locker. A quick sonic shower, change, and Grumpy!Me is heading to RIA headquarters for the most irritating part of my day.

An hour later, I’m back at home. Oh, I’m awake all right, but word to the wise: until I’ve had my Space Cola (don’t knock the lame name ’till you’ve tried it!) or coffee, steer clear. Steer very clear. You think I’m exaggerating? Ask my neighbor about the time he accidentally knocked on my door to ask me about the fires in Coda Springs. That poor man. That poor, poor man.

Moving on! Okay, so I’m home. I’ve just had to do an insane workout. I’m cranky. Space Cola. Now. I rip my fridge open and grab the nearest can. Coffee is for Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays (days we don’t work out).

My mouth waters when it makes that awesome swish sound as I open it. As soon as that first gulp hits my tongue, I’m no longer Scary!Jadelynn, the Friday Night Fright. I take the can, walk over to my balcony, and sit in my favorite chair. I’m not due into the office until eight a.m.

How do you start your morning? Share on Facebook or Twitter! 
* As you can see, I’ve changed the decor a bit. Expect to see a few tweaks with fonts here and there!

Adventures in Meme Hunting

Today’s hunt involves the survey/prompt meme, not the picture with words on it variety (I happen to love both meanings of the popular Interwebz word).

…by which he means votes and cheeseburgers. 

I took my favorite prompts from every source I could find and compiled this meme!

Picture Me This:

1. Something you love
2. Black and white
3. Currently reading

4. Three things

5. Something random

6. A brand
7. Your childhood

8. Something orange

9. Something new

Coffee, Coffee, Coffee

Just call me the cliché writer who likes to go to [ insert your favorite hipster coffee café here ] and write. There is a reason this phenomenon is so popular: it works. Whether you do the muse thing or not, there is something nestled within the creative mind that thrives on coffee, especially when coupled with a relaxed café setting. 
Coffee aside, I think part of it has to do with the fact that you’re outside of your regular environment, and your mind is challenged because it is coping with new sights and sounds. I’ve done some of my best writing in little cafes! I suppose we could get scientific and talk about the properties of caffeine (I imagine that 90% of the increased flow of writing is due to the stimulant). You can read all about caffeine on Wikipedia if you need to get your science fix in! 
As shocking as this may come to some of you, I don’t drink coffee every day. *Sits back and waits for the gasps* I normally drink tea in the mornings. Its caffeine content doesn’t hold a candle to coffee, but it tastes good, and as a result, I don’t have a high tolerance for caffeine. What does this mean? When I do need that emergency cup of coffee or that extra boost to feed my muse, it is all the more effective. 
With all that being said, I do have a routine as far as getting my weekly fix of coffee in goes. I work in a repair shop that is open on the weekends. For the purposes of this list, let’s pretend that the week starts on Saturday (Saturdays are usually my Monday anyway).
Saturday: Stop off at the little shoppette around the corner and get myself my favorite little coffee before I go into work. They have an awesome French Vanilla blend with a French Vanilla creamer.
Sunday: Same as Saturday.
Monday: No coffee for me!
Tuesday: Only if I’m in dire need of it (If I get coffee, I’ll typically do a coffee run for work).
Wednesday: Same as Tuesday. On a regular week, I do a dire run once.
Thursday: None.
Friday: None.
There will always be the hipster-coffee-shop-give-my-muse-a-boost exceptions.
I’m on vacation this week, so ignore the giant coffee I got this morning! When you are on vacation, all bets are off! Another reason I like to do this is it gives me a reason to look forward to my “Monday.” You’d be surprised at how motivated I can be when it comes to a delicious cup of hot coffee.

There you have it: more than you ever wanted to know about my personal coffee habits