Tag: christmas

A Very Wintery Sunday

Pack your bags, Grasshoppers! We’re taking a trip to the icy tundra that is the Antarctic. This week’s Seriously Geeky Sundays takes us to the edge of the world, the snowy unknown! Edge in the poetic sense of the world, and it pains me to have to clarify such an obvious metaphor, but there has been a resurfacing of Flat Earthers as of late. 

6th December – Around the World in 8 Sundays – Winter Wonderland / Antarctica

There’s only one way to celebrate the coldest part of the world and that’s at Christmas. This week we’re combining Around the World in 8 Sundays with a celebration of all things wintery and christmassy in pop culture.

What is your favourite winter themed fandom?

Game of Thrones. I’ve always loved the first scene, especially the eerie snow forest. It was such a good opening because it was creepy, and it wouldn’t have been that way had it not taken place in a cold, wintery setting.

One of my all time favorite scenes in the show is when Daenerys flies her dragons across the wall to rescue Jon Snow. I am sorry but dragons flying in snow, roaring with their flames = BADASS.  

Which ice/winter character do you like the most?

Last night I had a dream where I was in The Seven. I was a female version of Homelander (who tolerated me), but I also had the ability to wield and create ice the same way Elsa from Frozen does. Needless to say, it was a fun dream! Okay, now on to the actual question itself! 

My favorite is everyone’s favorite MCU Frost Giant, Loki! 

What is your favourite Christmas themed moment in a fandom?

You’ll shoot your eye out, kid!

There have been many incarnations of Santa over the years; which has been your favourite?

Kris Kringle from Miracle on 34th Street (1947). He was just so kind and fatherly!

Which winter themed creature is your favourite?

Thranduil’s elk. Just look at that majestic creature. Could you imagine riding into battle on him?

Queen Grasshopper rushes into battle, her arm raised as she ignites an icy spell. Shards of ice fall from the sky, penetrating the ranks of the orc army below.

If you could move to any snowy fictional place, which one would it be?

This is a tough one for me because I am a Summer Girl. I wouldn’t mind if it was 80 degrees all year round. If I had to pick a wintery place, it would have to be Hoelbrak in the Shiverpeak mountains from Guild Wars 2. I love their homesteads, and their fireplaces look so cozy and inviting–and much to my dismay, any screenshots I took are most likely on the remains of another hard drive. 

Remembering this makes me want to play again, but I know it would take hours of endless updates (it’s been a long time!). I’m the type of person who gets annoyed when things get too hard or grindy, so I’ll make a million alts until they reach the same part of the game. I’m a bad MMOer, ha ha!

Happy Holidays: Uncle Sam Edition!

Here’s to wishing everyone a happy set of holidays no matter which ones you celebrate!

What are holidays without gifts? Lucius Sinclair is now (and forever) FREE! 

Visit my Lulu storefront to download the ebook today! Apple users, keep your eyes peeled (it may take a few weeks for it to show up as free on the iBookstore). *Merry Christmas from the iBookstore because they updated it in record time! Apple users, you can head on over there!

The year is Y.E. 0417, and Lucius Sinclair is finally free of his reckless, abusive twin. Where Remus was gifted with wit and brawn, Lucius was plagued with a nasty little trait that the empire exterminates—telepathy.

 Now that he is attending vocational school and is far away from his brother, Lucius is shocked to find that he is actually excelling at his trade. Just when he feels safe and starts fitting in with his peers, he stumbles into a disturbing truth. It turns out that he’s not the only one harboring a deep, dark secret. Betrayal is almost certain. Follow this dystopian short story as Lucius Sinclair struggles to hide his true face and cope with the turbulence thrown his way.

In other news, I updated a few things on here:
1. I changed the color of links to make them more visible.
2. I updated Images Around the Empire and my Portfolio

Lord XYZ of Revision St.

I survived the retail madness of Thanksgiving and Black Friday for another year! Now that those days won’t come around for another 300+ days, I can move on. I caught up on sleep and have my NaNoWriMo project on my mind.

With the first draft completed, I sat down and wrote several back stories and renamed many characters. I don’t think X, Lord XYZ, ABC Kingdom, and Dude would pass for final draft material. 😉 When I am in the throes of writing, I don’t always stop to name my characters, hence the lovely “names” listed above!

I’ll jump into the wild waters of revision after I get my post Black Friday madness rest. I need a few days to recuperate!

Now that Thanksgiving is over, we can officially break out the holiday lights, ugly sweaters, and cheesy music!

Speaking of holiday cheer, The Year is Now is still on sale on Lulu! I have to work tomorrow morning, so I’m not ending the sale until Monday night.

I can’t think of anything profound to say. Every awesome idea I had in the shower lay forgotten in the drain. I’ll end this post with a fitting video!

Weekly Roundup

 ~A quick recap of things around the Empire Earth over the past week.

This week in…
Or should I say mass media hysteria? An infectious disease nasty enough to warrant its own horror movie? After hearing all the talk around the proverbial water cooler, it seems like the media is going nuts with the three cases in the US. Yes, ebola is a scary thing akin to some sort of eldrichian horror crawling out of the pages of a Lovecraft story, but it’s not time to panic.

When my next door neighbor or a coworker has it, cue the panic attack. I learned all I ever wanted (and more) about ebola when I read The Hot Zone. I even wrote a review about it on goodreads: Untitled Review of The Hot Zone.

One word of advice: don’t google “ebola” and then click on images.

As I contemplate and stare aimlessly about the room for a geeky fun filled topic, my eyes drift towards my latest autograph. I can’t believe that I neglected to share it on here!

Walter Koenig as Bester!

A friend went to a convention and got this for me (shout out to you! You know who you are!). Anyone who has been following this blog for a while knows how much I love the character Alfred Bester on Babylon 5 and like Walter Koenig.

When I got the picture in the mail, I immediately framed it and put it up!

Currently Reading

A Dance with Dragons by George R.R. Martin. Yes, I’m still reading it! I wasn’t kidding when I said it was quite the heavy tome. You don’t want to know how long I’ve been at it. 

Matters of Opinion
My blunt, unabashed thoughts in 140 characters or less:

I saw Christmas stuff out as early as September. I don’t want to see a single jingle bell, Santa Claus, or festive tree until Black Friday.

Video of the week:
As much as I liked Frozen, I found this video hilarious!

Rainbows and Yarn

Day 20 of my post-a-day challenge! Well, it looks like I missed yesterday, but 18 out of 20 is still a good track record. Yesterday was spent playing video games, knitting, and cleaning (yuck to the cleaning). The year is 2014, where are these cleaning robots that sci-fi has promised us?

Rainbow Dash Doll

Here is what I finished yesterday. I may use buttons for the eyes because the eyes are the only part I’m not 100% satisfied with. It’s a Christmas present for my neice–yes, I realize Christmas is several months away, but I work in the services/retail industry, and it doesn’t matter if I work in a repair shop; the masses come. They come in droves. It’s an all hands on deck sort of deal.

In other words, come November, I won’t have time to make anything complicated….Time to ponder what I’m going to make/do for the rest of my family…*puts on thinking cap* Ouch!

Here’s to having a good weekend: c[_]

~ Cheers!