Tag: cats

My Mobile Addiction

Up until now, I’ve used my smartphone as a pocket Internet device and an “avoid awkward social situations when I’m not in the mood to make small talk by pretending to text” machine…oh, and phone.  I never understood the fascination with mobile games.

I just had to find the right game. My brain’s current state: “Where’s my phone? I need to check my game!” #TheStruggleIsReal

I’ve seen a lot of pictures floating around lately of pictures of young adults on their phones with captions like “Missing the beauty of the world one text at a time.” Do the creators of these “funny” images consider the fact that maybe the young adult is researching said beauty?

Mobile devices are useful. We have instant access to a vast, worldwide library of information (okay, and silly cat gifs too). Let us not forget that we can access GPS at the drop of a hat now. The kicker? All of this fits right in our pockets now. We can access it anywhere, anytime. Before I go off on a crazy tangent, I need to get back to the point of this post: my mobile addiction!

I consider it therapeutic. Life can be stressful, and let’s face it: adulting can be a handful sometimes!

Neko Atsume
Kitty Collector

Your super cute, crazy cat lady enabler! 

It’s completely free, and you don’t have to “buy” anything to feel like you’re making progress. You start with a yard and some fish. You use the fish as currency to buy toys to attract the cats…Let your inner crazy cat lady shine!

There are no ads except for when you tap on “news” to get the daily password (you have to have wifi or mobile data turned on to get the password).

Sometimes you’ll see a cat holding a book in it’s mouth when you go to the menu “Marshmallow has a special brochure for you!” Tap it, and it’s an ad. I have to say it’s a clever way to get an ad into a game. It’s not invasive, and you choose whether or not you want to read cute little Marshmallow’s brochure.

Chairman Meow is reporting for duty!

What’s your mobile gaming addiction?
Tell me about it on Twitter or Facebook!

Concave of Concerned Catizens

Today’s post is taken from a prompt from the wonderful folks here: The One-Minute Writer. We all love a good conspiracy theory, so here’s the purrfect one!

“You are the president of your local Conspiracy Theorist group. Unfortunately with the internet and all, most of your regular conspiracies have been debunked. You need something new, something that the group can really get behind. Create a new conspiracy theory.”

Concave of Concerned Catizens

There is something out there. I know it. The sheepish minions of conformity are always after people like me. They can’t wrap their minds around the fact that there is more than meets the eye, and it may not always be a crappiota latte or a pair of fuzzy moon boots in 60 degree weather.

I’m getting sidetracked. I need to think of something for our next meeting. The Concave of Concerned Catizens is counting on me. That last debunk was a slap in the face. The sheepish minions of conformity won’t stop until the world is made of lemmings!

We are not alone. They are out there, and they are among us. I will not succumb to society’s stubborn refusal to look beyond science. Okay. I can do this. Let me just put on my traditional foil cat ears.

There we go. It was never secret lizard people! I should have realized that. That myth was invented by the government to throw intellectuals like me off guard!  Not lizard people. It has to be some sort of mammal—no, a humanoid! How else can they pose as warm blooded humans?

It’s the Martians! Why is Mars suddenly popular? Why are we crazy about sending people to Mars now? It’s a trick. It’s an ugly trick. They want us to go there. I don’t know why, but The Concave of Concerned Catizens will find out! They conceal themselves from NASA’s spying robots.

They’ve altered the DNA on a select few super Martians who are walking around among us. Oh my, God. I should have known all along! The Martains are posing as restaurateurs! What better way to spy on us than to listen in on our lunch conversations! The next Concave of Concerned Catizens meeting will be held at McBurgerz Place! As we munch on our delicious burgers and fries, we’ll be watching. We’ll be the masters because we are on to them!

*We will also be voting on the font for our book; it’s a collection of our sightings and theories. I’m all for Comic Sans.