Tag: cat

Captain MewMew and the Giant Space Cupcake

Just a reminder: The deadline for the contest has been extended to the 25th! 
…And now for some adorable shenanigans. 

“Orders are in, Sir,” meowed the calico kitten in his office. She was mature for a three month old. Her pink painted claws tapped the tiny typewriter on her desk. “President Socks has been catnapped.”

“He always catnaps at noon, Fluffy. He’ll wake up as soon as he hears the Oval Can Opener.”

“No! Not catnaping! Catnapped!” Her fuzzy tail swished behind her. Captain MewMew brushed his whiskers with his paw.

“He was last seen in space. A giant cupcake is holding him hostage!” MewMew gasped, but he had handled worse. A giant cupcake in space was nothing compared to the penguins from Icearctica. As much as he wanted to do an inconvenient flashback at the most inconvenient time, MewMew brushed his whiskers again. It was time to get to his space jet. The Falcon-IVXX was the fastest fighter jet in existence. The only drawback was that it was fueled by catnip. If only it could be powered by my favorite, wonderful, warm, and nap inducing sun!

Captain MewMew’s glass space helmet glistened in the starlight as the Falcon sped through space. He could see the giant, delicious cupcake hovering in the distance. His little tongue watered, and he was suddenly hungry. It must be a trap! Ignoring the growing growls in his stomach, he gripped the steering lever with his paws. The Falcon banked.

President Socks became visible. His tuxedo fur looked unkept and shabby. MewMew drew a deep breath. He could almost taste the catnip burning through the Falcon’s fuel banks. I want that cupcake! Look at it! It’s so delicious and…cupcake! He shook his head and floored the Falcon’s catnip pedal. Shock greeted him in the distance, for President Socks was being held captive by…by…MewMew’s eyes widened.


Just close your eyes, grab the president, and get out! As long as he didn’t look…Oh, the joy of finally capturing that elusive red-NO! He banked the Falcon again. The giant cupcake started spinning, as if trying to get his attention.

PEW PEW! Two hairballs shot out from beneath the Falcon’s left wing. Beautiful cupcake…gone. He had used his fighter’s miniature can opener of hairball doom. President Socks hissed. He’s stuck! MewMew brought his fighter closer. Ignore the red dot. Ignore the red dot!

“Initiate scratching post maneuver!” The Falcon vibrated as several gears shuddered below him. He watched as a slender pole with white carpet on it extended from the right wing. The President latched on, his golden space helmet glittering in the starlight.

Captain MewMew was once again Catopia’s hero.


Since I’ve had a lot of text heavy posts lately, I’ve decided to mix it up a little bit by doing a picture post–a postagram! I gathered a few random pictures from here and there. The only thing these images have in coming is that they are over 10 years old.

Woody – She belonged to my step dad and was the first car I drove around town. Half the radio stations didn’t work, but she will always have a soft spot in my heart. I’m not sure if I want to reveal this picture’s age…
Tech School – I was studying hard for a test! Think of it as a boarding school for adults, but add the entire military thing.

The Ziggurat – Located in the ancient city of Ur (modern day Iraq).

Me standing at the steps.

This is believed to be the house of Abraham. The local government was working on restoring it at the time. I wonder what it looks like now because this picture is 10 years old.

Cricket – The best cat in the universe (R.I.P.). He was a childhood pet and was at least 20 when he died in 2009 (no joke!).

Amazon Reviews

It’s time to do something light hearted and fun! We’ve all gone to online stores like Amazon, looked up products, and read the reviews. I’ve decided to come up with a compilation of the different types of reviews.

There are regular positive and negative reviews with valid points, but those are no fun! I’m going to focus on the ones that fall outside of the realm of logic.

But first, we need a fictional product and company. ABC Co. sounds good, and now for something to write fake reviews about…

The All Caps Raver

The This-Has-Noting-To-Do-With-The-Product Rant
Terrible service. I cannot believe that ABC Co. is allowed to treat customers in such a poor manner. I ordered this wonderful shirt to give to my daughter as a graduation present. I needed it by a SPECIFIC date. It doesn’t matter if I ordered it at the last minute. ABC CO SHOULD PROVIDE BETTER SERVICE. What had happened was that I took time off of work so that I could wait for UPS’s delivery. THEY NEVER SHOWED UP. Furious, I called customer service, and they told me that all packages are given tracking numbers and that I could easily track the package through UPS’s website. WHAT!?!?!?! So, after that lengthy conversation, I had to open a new tab on my browser, log into my email, and laboriously search for ABC Co.’s conformation email. Talk about too much work! Long story short, I got the tracking number and put it into UPS’s website. The package was due to be delivered the NEXT day. BAD SERVICE ABC CO!!!!! You should pay me for the time I took off of work! Thanks to this poor service, my daughter’s graduation was ruined. She didn’t get her shirt until the day after!

The ??? Netspeak Guru
Dis iz lyk my other 1 ii luv it. Got1 4 my cat ♥♥~~**bo bo**~~♥♥ he luvs it!

The All Caps Bandit

The Epic Tale
If the following epic tale review confuses you, go to Amazon and look up “eagle pilot” (The Mountain Combat Stryker Adult T-shirt) and “wolf moon shirt” (The Mountain Three Wolf Moon Short Sleeve Tee).

When I first donned my World Domination Cat and Flying Astronaut Adult Tee, I immediately felt weightless. The heavy pull of gravity no longer hindered my movements, so I decided to take the shirt out for a spin. Best idea of my life! I went to the wild flower festival downtown. People couldn’t help but gape in awe at the awesomeness of World Domination Cat. They could not get over how smooth my movements were (thank you, my new favorite shirt!). The mayor was so impressed with my physics defying dance moves, that he gave me the key to the city. The wild flowers on display suddenly multiplied, and I was thanked for saving the festival. I continued with my dance moves. Gravity? What’s that? It’s just a theory! I just want to say that if you are thinking about getting this awesome shirt, get it. You will not regret donning it. Whenever I wear it, I am the center of attention. Cats adore me, and I got a voicemail from NASA the other day. Next stop, the moon.

Coming next week
Want to make your own awesome space cat picture? Stay tuned! I’m going to post a tutorial on how you can make your very own epic photo manipulation! 

Return to Tomorrow: December

Thus concludes my New Years resolution to create at least one piece of artwork a month. I’m happy to say that I’ve been able to accomplish it. It’s helped me keep my motivation going, and as a result, I’ve greatly improved on some areas that I’ve been wanting to improve on.

I am going to do a “Year in Review” post sometime within the next few days, so keep your eyes open for it!

Kurt + Blaine – Colored pencil on paper.
This was done as part of a gift exchange on a site I frequently visit. This was what the person I got wanted. The characters are from the tv show, Glee.

Ode to the Steelers – A gift for a relative! Colored pencil on paper

I’m a Fish! – Another gift! Colored pencil on paper

Mishi Whiskers – Colored pencil on paper.
I did this as an experiment. I wanted to see if I could emulate a Disney style, yet keep it true to my personal style. I’ve never drawn an animal person before. It was pretty fun, and I’m happy with how it turned out.

Picture Preview:

A background that I’m going to use for a digital drawing. It’s going to be a complicated piece, so I can’t promise that I will finish it next month. There are still some aspects of the character sketches (not shown here) I need to fix before I start “digitizing” it.