Tag: caption this

Weekly Roundup: I Haz Contest and Catch-up Bowl MMXV

After working 10 days in a row and fighting off a nasty cold, I am finally back to the random whims of what we call free time!
The painting used in this graphic is Daydreaming by Edward Harrison May.

Catch-up Bowl MMXV
I enjoy my job, but running a work marathon without a day off gets to you. The nasty cold didn’t help matters either! By the end of it, I was neckbearding my evenings away by binge watching trashy shows on Netflix.

Oh how I missed revising my “Omg, orcs!” book! I was too drained to even look at the thing

Now that everything seems normal with my schedule, *knock on wood* I’m hoping to jump back into my routine. I’ll tell you what though, today I’ve been that daydreaming woman in that painting! I slept in late and haven’t accomplished a thing except for this post.

I don’t have a catchy transition sentence to jump to the fact that I liked my OMG orcs! drawing so much that I did a Delenn (from Babylon 5) version and a special V-Day contest Star Trek red shirt edition.

[ Insert flashy transition sentence here ]
V-Day contest and giveaway!
I am giving away a signed copy of The Year is Now OR a free digital drawing* (winner’s choice) to the person who has the best caption for Red Shirt Girl!
How to Enter:
1. Message me on Facebook, through the contact form on the right, or email me (thecommanddeck [at] outlook [dot] com) with our dear Red Shirt’s caption.
2. Use V Day Contest as the subject
3. If you want to edit the image and insert your caption in the speech bubble, you are more than free to do so! Send the image as an attachment.
All entries must be received by 15 February, 2015!
1. Multiple entries by one person are okay.
2. International entries are okay.
3. The winner must choose between the signed copy or the drawing (see information).
4. No hate regards to race, religion, or orientation.
Drawing – The drawing will be of one person, character, or animal against a simple background. It may take me 3 weeks to complete the drawing depending on if I get scheduled a crazy 10 days in a row again or not.
Signed Book – Will be mailed off on my next day off after 15 Feb.

Proof Copy Giveaway

Yes, I have been busier than all the busy bee cliches out there lately, but I have some awesome news about The Year is Now!

The official release date is 24 July, 2014!

What is a release date without some sort of giveaway? I have two worn proof copies laying around. They aren’t perfect, and they are a little used, but they still hold The Year is Now. The story itself wasn’t changed (I was well beyond that process when I ordered my first proof copy), so if you are a lucky winner, you can get your hands on a free copy–proof copy!

How to enter

Caption this:

You can post your caption on Facebook, through email (thecommanddeck [at] outlook [dot] com), or by posting a comment below. You have until the 23rd to enter. Winners will be announced on the release date and also emailed/private messaged separately.

Keep it clean, please.
You must be 18 to enter.
If you’re a winner, you have 3 days to respond to my message in order to collect your prize.

I will send the winners a “Shipped” notification (I have to schedule shipping around my days off).
WINNERS OF THE COVER LAUNCH PARTY, your prizes will be mailed out on the 25th!

What is a space guinea pig king without a super epic t-shirt? Rescue him, guys and gals! He needs our help!