Tag: busy

State of the Empire 2016

What your Writer and Chief has been up to lately

State of the Empire 2016!
Real life has claimed more and more of my awesome propaganda machine—it’s eaten way more than it’s fair share of my time lately. I’m hoping that it will settle back to normal levels in the next few months. I swear, it’s hungrier than Tubbs right now!

Figure 1: Real Life Has a Colossal Case of the Munchies
Figure 1 is 100% accurate.

Beneath the Red Lamp

…My current baby. Actually, it’s been my baby for about six months now. I’m revising what is finally going to be the final draft of a short story sequel to The Year is Now. Elly is back!

The story will be included in a special hard cover edition of the book. I do not have a release date yet. Once things settle down, I’ll be able to pinpoint a timeline. I’ve already got a special cover in the works. I’ve been planning the project itself for a long time now. It’s just…Tubbs. Tubbs the cat. Refer back to Figure 1. Tubbs doesn’t make me any less excited though! 
Here’s a peak at the random things I’ve been sketching lately:

Glory Pride and The Maiden Vain

I still have the outline. I haven’t forgotten about it!

Busy to the Power of Ten!

That pretty much sums up my life for the past month. I’m hoping things slow down soon. I could use an extra paid day off just about now! The next one doesn’t come until the end of May. I am looking forward to it!

Here’s a snapshot of what I’ve been working on:

Just a few sketches of a digital drawing that I want to finish by the end of this month and a wood pattern I created in photoshop.

I took the stitches mentioned in my last post out today. The process was much easier than I had anticipated (that’s always a plus…and so is not going to the doctor’s office)! It is such a nice day out. I already went for a walk and am tempted to go out for a second one.

Busy Squared

What a week! I had about 2 days during my Thanksgiving weekend that were relaxing. Once those two days were up, it was as if something unfurled itself with a fury to make up for it! Next week isn’t going to fair much better either (well, I’m just not going to get my hopes up about it. I’d rather be pleasantly surprised than caught off guard!).

On a more enjoyable note, here are a few things that I’ve been able to sneak in beneath the sum of busy squared and work times three!


I finished the Talia Winters project!

“I’m Still Here”
12 in tall || 6 hours || sewing project

Talia Winters from Babylon 5!

Moments of Zen
~ It no longer takes me 5 hours to knit one item!

“Happy Holidays”
5 hours total || loom knit