Workaholic Est. 0422, making and creating!
I sort of dropped off the face of social media lately (how people manage to do ten million things and still have energy to tweet up a storm on Twitter is beyond me, and I will forever admire them for that ability!).
Here’s the scoop
I’ve been working on several exciting projects that I’m thrilled and pumped about! Believe me when I say that I’ve been working non-stop on these projects for the past few weeks!
Beneath the Red Lamp & Other Tales
The short sequel to The Year is Now (TYIN) will FINALLY see the light of day. I’m working on an ebook of short stories set in the empire before and after the events of TYIN.
Beneath the Red Lamp explores what becomes of Elly after the Battle of Pluto.
Details on when this will be released will be coming soon. I don’t like to give out dates like candy. I need to make sure that thing is polished before I let it join the dating scene
*This is not the final cover, just a placeholder.
An Actual Website
I’ve been building a website from scratch. I am PUMPED for this. I cannot wait to let you all see it!
It’s almost ready, but I plan to release it into the wild to coincide with Beneath the Red Lamp, so keep your eyes peeled. Oh, and don’t worry, The Command Deck will always be around because the blogger platform is easy to use for, well, blogging! It will be linked to the site.
This project is my baby. I haven’t been this emotionally attached to a story for a long time. It’s set apart from the rest of my works because it does not take place in the empire. It takes place in another alternate reality, a much grimmer one than our own world and Elly’s.
“Sisters” as I’m calling it, is in its infancy. Yes, this will be a full fledged novel. I’m going to do something I’ve never done before and live tweet my progress on it. Follow #sisters422
With that being said, it is on the back burner right now (you have no idea how much it pains me to put it aside while I get Beneath the Red Lamp up and running! Copy-editing and formatting are the most tedious tasks ever, and I cannot have any distractions).