Tag: blog prompts


I’ve been racking my brain for interesting topics to ramble about for the past few weeks. When you open a blank document and stare at it for the millionth time in a row, it’s time scour the Internet for ideas.

I found a bunch of prompts here: https://dailypost.wordpress.com/prompts/

I did what any sensible person would do to pick a prompt. I closed my eyes, scrolled up and down, moved my mouse all over the screen, and clicked a random spot.


After I opened my eyes and saw this prompt, I sat in my chair and stared into space. Do I have something that I carry around with me all the time? Do I have a good luck charm?

Back in the early 2000s (in my AF days), my mother sent me a beautiful necklace with a thoughtful letter attached. I wore it whenever I traveled or was deployed. It gave me a sense of peace. My rational side knew it was just a pretty necklace, but it made me feel safe for some unknown, unexplainable reason. Perhaps it was the intent behind the gift.

That was a long time ago. 2019 me doesn’t wear the same necklace every day, and I don’t carry anything special in my pocket—but worry not, friends, for the necklace is tucked away in a little keepsake box. 😉 I will never part with it.

 So I got to thinking. Is there something that I *do* carry with me at all times?


Does it have magic powers?

Not in the modern sense, but it is a powerful object. It contains the world at my fingertips, and I do not leave the house without it.

What is it?
 Though, I’m sure you have guessed by now, for you probably carry one too. 

My cellphone.

I can look up anything at a moment’s notice. When I’m away from home, I can communicate with my husband. I can order anything in the world. I can buy a plane, train, or bus ticket and go anywhere I’d like with just a few swipes of my thumb. It can direct me to the nearest coffee shop in the city, and it can hold a treasure trove of my drafts and scribbles.

It may not bring good luck in the supernatural sense of the word, but I sure as hell will have a bad time without it.

Adventures With Blog Prompts

So I was scouring the Internet for ideas–Let’s face it: ye olde muse needs a jump start every once in a while–and I decided to have some fun with the most common ones I stumbled across.

This is all in good fun (I am all for reusing old items and making lists)! Enjoy. ☺

#1. Weekend Roundup
Judging by the pretty Pinterest fonts surrounding this one every time I saw it, I am certain that I am the wrong audience for it. 😉

#2. Upcycle Something!
My DIY cell phone bracelet rocks my socks off!

#3. Instagram the inside of your purse! Tell everyone about the contents of your purse!

I kid you not…if I had a dollar for every time I saw this as a prompt, I could buy myself that Slayers DvD set I’ve been eying on Amazon.

 Furby is coming. Furby is hungry. Furby is-GET.THE.SALT. 

#4. What are you reading?
This one is commonly translated as: Post an artsy fartsy picture of your antique cup of tea beside your most obscure book. It will make you look smart. Add a quill or some glasses for measure. If you have an old typewriter, get that in the photo too. You will look super sophisticated.

The book in this picture is awesome, by the way.

#5. Make a list 
#6.  Rant about something you are passionate about
Always blame the aliens. Always.