Tag: black friday

Lord XYZ of Revision St.

I survived the retail madness of Thanksgiving and Black Friday for another year! Now that those days won’t come around for another 300+ days, I can move on. I caught up on sleep and have my NaNoWriMo project on my mind.

With the first draft completed, I sat down and wrote several back stories and renamed many characters. I don’t think X, Lord XYZ, ABC Kingdom, and Dude would pass for final draft material. 😉 When I am in the throes of writing, I don’t always stop to name my characters, hence the lovely “names” listed above!

I’ll jump into the wild waters of revision after I get my post Black Friday madness rest. I need a few days to recuperate!

Now that Thanksgiving is over, we can officially break out the holiday lights, ugly sweaters, and cheesy music!

Speaking of holiday cheer, The Year is Now is still on sale on Lulu! I have to work tomorrow morning, so I’m not ending the sale until Monday night.

I can’t think of anything profound to say. Every awesome idea I had in the shower lay forgotten in the drain. I’ll end this post with a fitting video!

Weekly Roundup – Free thinkers, action figures, and Voldemort

~ A quick recap of things around Empire Earth over the past week.

 ~ As soon as I get home from work, I’m sleeping.

I did it! I managed to write 50,000 words before Thanksgiving. I waded my way through Time’s defensive line and snagged myself a touchdown on Tuesday! It’s been a crazy ride, and I had a blast tweeting about it on Twitter. I haven’t finished the story yet, and I plan to do NaNoWriMo’s validation step later on this month.

This week in…
I went ahead and bought myself a preemptive Christmas present.

I can never pass up a good deal on action figures, especially on ones that I’ve been pining after for what feels like ages! The flash drowns out Thranduil, making him seem dull, but the details in him are nice. They did a fantastic job. Oh, and he *is* wearing pants underneath that.

Next we have Elrond. I was blown away with the amount of detail in this action figure. Every last millimeter of him is etched with intricate elements. As for pants…I have no idea. The package arrived yesterday, and it was dark by the time I got home! It was dark by the I got home today as well. They are either white, or he is a freer thinker than we are led to believe.

Currently Reading
More like currently writing! I probably won’t read anything this month. I haven’t touched the poor book I borrowed from the library last week. I may end up returning it and borrowing it again in a few months.

Matters of Opinion
My blunt, unabashed thoughts in 140 characters or less:
I’m not feeling particularly political tonight. I would like a chair with a built in heater though.

 Video of the Week
 For you fellow Harry Potter fans out there:

Keep Your Eyes Peeled!
I’m doing my own week long Black Friday sale! Check back this Sunday evening!