Tag: birthday

A Fun Filled Year of Blogging

Today marks one year since Heather launched Seriously Geeky Sundays. Has it been a year already? It feels like it was yesterday that I stumbled upon Pinterest in a desperate search for blog prompts that were actually enjoyable for me.

Before I start rambling and take the thunder away from today’s questions, I’ll just dive right in.

But first, wishing everyone a happy Easter! Maybe one day soon things will start getting back to normal. 

4th April – Happy First Birthday SGS!

One year ago Seriously Geeky Sundays was launched and this week we’re celebrating our first birthday by looking back over the last year of prompts.

What was your favourite theme?

Conventions – It was so much fun to sit down and write about my unique perspective on working at conferences. I enjoyed reading everyone’s perspectives as attendees! 

Cosplay – Talking about one of my favorite pastimes was a blast (albeit, I’ve been lazy with cosplaying incognito over the past year for obvious reasons), and again, it was so much fun reading everyone’s posts and looking at their cosplay pictures. 

What theme did you like the least?

There aren’t any I disliked. Heather put a lot of thought and energy into creating six exciting prompts each week–can we give her a giant THANK YOU for doing this? I know how hard it is to come up with things to write about, and she’s been doing it every single week for the past year! 

Thank you, Heather, for bringing strangers together through fandoms and blogs. It has helped me get through 2020. 

Thank you for 52 weeks of prompts, Heather!
What question made you think the most?

Many of them forced me to consider things I haven’t thought about, and for that I am glad. It is good to experience something different or something that puts you out of your comfort zone every so often. I’ve enjoyed answering questions I wouldn’t normally stumble upon.

After skimming through past SGS posts, I decided on What is your favourite wedding scene? from What’s Your Cup of Coffee? for two reasons: 1. I don’t particularly like the romance genre, so it was extra challenging to come up with an answer about scenes I tend to skip (ha ha!). 2. I ended up writing a piece of fan-fiction that enabled me to come up with a wedding scene I actually liked. 

Ed and Jack
Ed and Jack <3
Which theme reminded you of something you’d forgotten?

Welcome to Grasshopper’s Realm – The World Wide Web of Us. I managed to find one of my ancient angelfire sites from the early 2000s and take a dive down memory falls. I spent a good amount of time sifting through long forgotten drawings and journal entries from yesteryear. 

Banner depicting a website from the early 1990s
1996 here I come!
What do you enjoy most about Seriously Geeky Sundays?

I’m so glad I found it last year. As Winst0lf said in his post, the pandemic put a huge damper on inspiration, and I could barely get a sentence out, let alone a full blog post. I couldn’t believe my luck after scrolling through endless cycles of the same Live Laugh Love journal prompts on pinterest and spotting Heather’s SGS.

SGS forces me to keep my creative mind flowing because the prompts are things I’m interested in and aren’t your run of the mill, generic questions. I’ve enjoyed meeting new people through it and cannot wait to see what the second year of SGS brings.

What themes or subjects would you like to see come up this year?
  • Conventions Part II – Another round of questions based on conventions
  •  Geeking by in a COVID-19 World – How has everyone coped during the insanity that was 2020? What geeky things got you through it all?
  • ,Guest Prompts – A series of prompts created by guests (sort of like Around the World in 8 Sundays, but guests). 
  • What geeky things will you do once things get back to normal? 
  • Cosplay Part II – Another round of cosplay questions
  •  What-if scenarios involving characters and fandoms

They Say it’s Your Birthday!

It also just so happens that I have the day off!

I woke up to see that Google had a cute little graphic for me! 

I’ve been extremely busy as of late, but I made time to sneak some fan art in (between editing several different things, work, and adulting). I’m working on a huge project that I’m excited about, but I won’t say more until it’s in the final stages…Call me paranoid, but I don’t like squeeing, jumping up and down, and chatting about a project until it is practically ready (you never know when a serious case of unavoidable, annoying adulting busy-beeness will strike!).

A vacation is just over the horizon, and by vacation, I mean I am parking my butt here and writing. It will be nice to have some time off! *Must make it…must make it!*

And here’s to wishing you a very Triluminary day!

Delenn from Babylon 5 as a Disney Princess

These Shoes Were Made for Walking

Day 2 of my Post-A-Day challenge! It also happens to be my birthday. How did I celebrate? The same way I celebrated Labor Day: I went to work. The excitement ensues! I’ll wait until my next day off to go super sleuthing for a proper celebration.

Day 2: Post your favorite shoes.
I found a Post-A-Day prompt for September on Pinterest (there is much more to that site than food and Mrs. Cleaver’s favorite picks). Here is a link to the pin: Pin me!

These shoes go with everything, and I’ve had them since 2009. I will wear them until they fall apart. My last pair of casual shoes died at the ripe age of 9. As I was walking across a busy street, they issued a ripping slurp, and before I knew it, the soles had separated from the rest of the shoe. The leather sides immediately followed suit.

It was a strange waddle that got me the rest of the way across. I must have looked like a penguin. Fortunetely there was a mom and pop shoe store in the shopping center I was heading towards. They also happened to be running a huge sale. 

~ And thus my favorite shoes.