Tag: babylon 5

Doors and Corners

The weather may be dismal and chilly, but Seriously Geeky Sundays is hot off the press! I just want to say that I had a lot of fun with this one, and a certain song keeps playing in my head with its accompanying maniacal laughter. You’ll find it right here!

9th  – Moving On

Did you know that May is National Moving month (or that such a thing existed?), nope, neither did I. Moving is a typical plot prompt used in fandoms to start a story, inject new characters or just shake things up a little when they get stale. So this week we’re asking you to think about what happens when characters move in or away in your fandoms.

What was the most recent fandom that started with someone new moving to town?

WandaVision – The show was so much fun, and the premise was such a refreshing, unique take on telling a story within the MCU.  I loved seeing the different costumes, sets, and camera filters (black and white…etc) throughout the episodes.

Tell us about your favourite character who left home to find their fortune.

Nog (Deep Space Nine) – He didn’t find a fortune in the traditional sense of the word, but he embarked on a journey no other Ferengi had done before. He left his family, friends, and home to join Starfleet. He found purpose in uniform and was happy despite the Dominion War and what it did to him.

Sometimes moving to a new place can put a character exactly where they’re supposed to be; who does this make you think of? 

Sansa & Arya (Game of Thrones) – The sisters couldn’t be more opposite. Where Sansa was draped in beauty and grace, longing for a life in the palace as queen, Arya craved action and adventure. They were torn apart after everything unraveled into chaos, forced to survive. Sansa had to play the game while Arya struggled and fought for her next meal. 

There is a scene when the two are reunited and they talk about how they wouldn’t have survived each other’s fate. The line always struck me as being true. I remember how it made me look back and think about their paths.  

Sansa is crowned Queen of the North, as the years have wizened her. Arya sails off into the wild, seeking new worlds.  Their fates couldn’t have been more fitting.

Not all new neighbours are benign, sometimes the devil comes to town (literally). Who was the most interesting villain to come to town?

There is no way I am not mentioning Agatha Harkness! Her snark, her laugh–I mean, how can you not enjoy a villain who comes up with their own, cheesy intro? And by cheesy, I mean awesome.

Not everyone sticks around; no fandom would be complete without the wandering passerby. Which one stuck in your mind?

Miller (The Expanse) – Doors and Corners, Kid. The private detective is hired to find a billionaire’s prodigal daughter. He follows clue after clue as a bigger mystery starts to unravel, and I can think of no better character to represent the wandering passerby than him. He’s got the dry wit, the hat (yes, the hat!), and appears at will (especially in the later seasons). 

Which character shook things up just a bit too much and made a complete mess of things?

I am going to catch a lot of flack for this, but I have to go with Lyta from Babylon 5. She was fine in the Pilot episode, but after that, she grated my every last nerve. She creates nothing but division, pain, and suffering in her wake. Lyta kills and abuses her powers without a second thought (she destroys an entire planet and commits genocide in the process. Just because the planet was full of villains doesn’t make it any less of a tragedy). She constantly carries a mind-numbing, nauseating self-righteous-always-the-victim attitude. Lyta should not be considered one of the ‘good guys.’ 

She is irredeemable in my eyes. I’ll go so far to say that she is one of my most hated characters.

Babylon 5 - Season 1 Cast
Babylon 5 – Season 1 Cast, guess who is conveniently not present, ha ha ha!

And on that unpopular opinion note, Have a great Sunday! *Laughs maniacally*

SGS: Looking Back at 2020

What a year this was! If you asked me one year ago how I thought 2020 would go, I’d have never predicted the burning dumpster that is actually 2020. And on that note, I can’t believe we are on the final Sunday of the year. 

This week’s Seriously Geeky Sundays prompt is a fitting way to end the year, but keep your eyes peeled because I’ll be doing something special later this week! 

I’ll be posting the Inaugural Grasshopper Awards: personal awards of fun for my favorite things I’ve stumbled upon this year! 

27th December – 2020 in Fandoms

It’s the final SGS of the year and let’s be honest, 2020 has been awful. Our fandoms have gotten us through a lot this year and we’re here to celebrate them (and shame them) this week.

Which fandom was the highlight of your year?
  1. The final season of Mr. Robot on Amazon Prime – As sad as I am to see the show end, I felt that they did an excellent job of wrapping things up, not to mention that BOMB of a twist! I think that was my favorite thing about the finale! I won’t post spoilers for those who have yet to watch the awesomeness that is Mr. Robot. 

2. The NFL (lol!) There is something calming about putting a game of football on and letting it play in the background. I threw myself into it this year (I am literally typing this in a Jimmy G jersey and a George Kittle hoodie). I wore my 49ers beanie when I went out today and my 49ers apron when I was baking! It’s fun to fully immerse yourself into something like that because you can take a break from the ills of the world. 

Which one surprised you the most?

Space Force on Netflix – I ended up laughing way more than I thought I would and loving the silliness of it all. It was a much needed break from the burning dumpster we’re all currently in. 

Did you revisit an old fandom?

Babylon 5 – Namely my favorite black clad telepaths, Psi Cops. I drew a hell of a lot of Psi Corps fanart this year (when I looked back at my art, I was kind of surprised by *just* how much I revisited Babylon 5 and the Psi Corps). 

What was the best new release of this year for you?

This is not going to surprise anyone. I mean, I dressed as a genderbent character from it for Halloween, ha ha! 

The Boys – Season 2! Beyond the gore, the season explored important themes by weaving them into the story. We weren’t beat over the head with them, but instead experienced them through the characters. I am looking forward to Season 3!

What fandom was the biggest let down?

1. Netflix canceling Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. That show was so good. I hope Amazon picks it up (I mean all of the sets, props, and puppets must be stored somewhere…).

2. The injuries that plagued the 49ers at the beginning of the NFL season. I had such high hopes that we’d see another Big Game appearance this year, but…2020 reared its ugly head and took a fat-

You get the drift! 

3. I’m not going to name this one, but I feel it’s worth  mentioning to make a point. I tried liking it, really, I did! I even wrote little reviews to try to force myself to like it because it seems to be taboo to feel otherwise (there is a huge difference from casually not being into something and actively hating on it and harassing people every chance you get). I miss the days where you could have civil discussions, and disagreeing with someone wasn’t seen as being the enemy. There is a “You’re either with 100% of my opinions or you’re a horrible person” mentality now. I write this in hopes that there are others out there who feel the same way about this trend.

Who were your favourite characters of 2020?
  • Homelander – That magnificent bastard
  • Starlight
  • Queen Maeve
  • Kimiko 
  • The Black Noir
  • A – Train – At this point, I just need to say almost everyone on the Boys, lol!
  • Elliot (Mr. Robot) – I relate to the hoodie wearing anxiety ridden introvert!

SGS: Galaxy Adventures!

Apollo 11 launch – Photo by NASA

Today’s prompt is near and dear to my heart. I have always been fascinated by space. Fifteen year old Queen Grasshopper’s room was plastered with Nasa posters, one of which, I still have to this day (I’ve been meaning to frame it after all these years). My ceiling was covered in glow in the dark stars, and I’d lay in bed just gazing at them.

Would I ever go to space?
Would there be a colony on the moon by the time I was 40?
Would we go to Mars?

July 19th – Galaxy Adventures

Tomorrow is National Moon Day, the anniversary of when Apollo 11 landed on the moon. It’s a day in our history when our world got that bit bigger and that means it’s time to talk about adventures in Galaxies Far Far Away.

What is your favourite sci-fi fandom?

Sci-Fi fandoms can be wonderful, and they can also be hard–I mean it is only natural that a group of passionate people have their differences! This is a tough question because I’ve made so many lifelong friends through the various sci-fi fandoms that I’ve been a part of over the years. 

I have traded gifts with friends (most of whom are on the other side of the pond 😉 ). I’m always on the look out for gifts to send to a select few during my travels, but 2020 has thrown a wrench into that for now. I look forward to the day I can peruse a gift shop in some far away state!

Through fandoms, I’ve laughed, I’ve created art, I’ve had arguments (I mean..who hasn’t?), and I’ve been introduced to new ways of thinking–opening up my mind to become the kind person that I am today. 

So in answer to this question, I’ll look back at the good times and name my top three.

1. High Castle
2. Star Trek 
3. Babylon 5 Psi Corps/Bester fandom

Runner up
Star Wars – many fond memories of my teens and early twenties of creating stories with my friends and doing group cosplays on Halloween. I still have the Jedi costume that was tailor made for me!

What is your favourite fictional planet?

The Martian Congressional Republic
Mars from The Expanse – I love how militaristic they are. I love how their society is one of do what’s best for everyone; in other words, Group Think. They are fascinating to me and I love any and every shot of Mars in that show! I look forward to seeing how the events of the show play out for them. I’m a little worried, ha ha!

Who is your favourite alien character?

This is impossible to pick just one, so I’ll name a few.

  • Weyoun from Star Trek: DS9
  • The alien queen from Alien
  • The predator from Predator
  • Kira from Star Trek: DS9
What is your favourite alien species?

This should come as no surprise to those who follow me: Vorta and Romulans. They’re sneaky, cunning, conniving, and attractive. 😉

What alien creature would you like to have as a pet?

Tribbles: they are cute, fluffy, and purr. Need I say more?

My family of tribbles
What is the most visually stunning alien landscape you’ve seen in a fandom?

I’ll have to go with any landscape involving the protomolecule from The Expanse. I love the glowing blue tones and the orbs; everything is so eerie yet beautiful. I love it!

SGS: Food!

It’s time for another Seriously Geeky Sunday brought to you by the creative Heather at geeking-by.net!

Okay, so I love food. I really, really love food. I love making it, and I love eating it! I made bread, cake, and ice cream on Thursday, and let me tell you A Thing: delicious! 

17th – Food

If you could have any fictional food item become reality, what would it be? 

Romulan ale! I have always been tantalized by its blue color and its highly intoxicating content, ha! For those of you who have known me for a while, you’ll remember I visited my mother in August and found a mysterious bottle of Romulan ale (my mother and step dad don’t watch Star Trek or anything sci-fi related, so it was bizarre). I wish I had drank it.

When I was there in February for my uncle’s memorial, it was still there, and I promised myself that I’d drink it when I visit in April. Well COVID-19 happened, and you know the rest. Hopefully it’s still there because I really want it and am kicking myself for not drinking it in August. 😉

What is your favourite food moment/scene? 

I swear there is a scene in The Orville where Captain Mercer attempts to spit out alien food awkwardly in his napkin or is grossed out by it. I cannot remember which episode, and google has failed me…Okay, so it’s me desperately trying to type the right things into the search bar and failing, ha ha!

What fictional restaurant would you like to visit? 

the Three Broomsticks Inn for some good old fashioned butterbeer! 

What is the most decadent dessert you’ve seen in a fandom?

Pretty much any desert with chocolate. Diana Troi’s favorite deserts come to mind! 

What is the most disgusting fictional food item you’ve seen?

Spoo from Babylon 5 and Taspar Eggs from TNG

Just thinking about Spoo makes me gag! I don’t care if it’s supposed to be the most delicious food in the universe, the second someone puts that in front of me, I’m gonna offend the galaxy by pushing it away. Nope to the power of nope, and Bester better read my mind before serving that, ha ha!

More than you ever wanted to know about Spoo:
Spoo is a fictional food product that served as a running joke within the Babylon 5 science fiction television series. In the series’ fictional universe, spoo is made from alien worm-like creatures of the same name, and is considered to be the most delicious food in the galaxy, regardless of which species is asked. Although it is a universally loved foodstuff and an actively traded commodity, the creature itself is regarded with contempt by the races that consume it. https://www.cs.odu.edu/~salam/wsdl/inforet/wikihtml/Spoo.html

Taspar eggs evoke an immediate gag reflex, so I’m not going to go into describing them. If you’d like to experience the wonderful world of Cardassian Taspar eggs, watch Star Trek: TNG, Chain of Command. Don’t say I didn’t warn you! 

What is your favourite fandom inspired recipe/food item?

I haven’t tried any, so I don’t have an answer for this one. However, I want that bottle of Romulan ale!

SGS: Fictional Families

It’s time for another Seriously Geeky Sunday brought to you by the creative Heather at geeking-by.net! This week’s topic is fictional families, and in just case you need a reminder that it is Mother’s Day in the U.S., this is that reminder. 😉 Call your mothers! 

10th – Families

Who is your Favourite fictional family?

Hands down, the Smiths from The Man in the High Castle. Need I say more? 😉

Who is your favourite fictional unconventional family?

It is a tie between the crew of Star Trek: TNG and of Star Trek: DS9. I love the dynamics between everyone. I often day dream that I am on the bridge of the Enterprise, a part of that family, eager to join them on away missions or am walking along the promenade of DS9 beside Sisko, laughing as we head to lunch. 

Which off-screen/non-played family member would you like to learn more about?

Bester’s wife from Babylon 5.

We know next to nothing about her, and I want to know what she’s like, how she reacted to Bester turning one of his prisoners into his lover. I want to know if she is just as nervous around him as the other Psi Cops are (Lyta mentions how Bester makes even the hardcore Psi Cops on edge in one episode). I know the books shed more light on her before the events of the show, but I’ve never read them (full confession: I’d rather see her on screen). 

Who is/are your favourite fictional grandparent/s?

Joseph Sisko (Captain Sisko’s father/Jake’s grandfather).

He reminds me of my dad sometimes. He cared deeply for his son and grandson. I’ve always loved and adored the family dynamic between the three. There is true love there and they’d do anything to protect each other. I can’t help but love the way Joseph is blunt and stubborn.  

What extended fictional family/legacy is your favourite?

The Targaryens.

Daenerys’s ancestors were EPIC. It also helps that they rode fire breathing dragons and conquered the seven kingdoms. If you like Game of Thrones, give Fire & Blood a read. It is such a good book, and I already want to give it a second read. I can’t wait until the next volume comes out, and I’m more excited about the prospect of diving deeper into the Targaryens than I am for the Winds of Winter! 

Take the main character from your last 5 shows/movies/games/books (etc.) and create a family with them.

This question made me realize how little I read these days, and I need to change that ASAP! We’ve been watching The Office for quite some time (Netflix is going to take it down soon), so that has consumed my television intake for March, April, and May. I’ve been watching a ton of YouTube tutorials lately, so I’m not going to include them. There’s just too many! 😉

  • The Man in the High Castle: Creating the Alt World
  • The Office
  • Joe Biden Town Hall
  • Pac-Man

Grandpa: Joe Biden
Mother: Helen Smith  (High Castle)
Father: John Smith (High Castle)
Weird Uncle: Dwight Schrute (Office)
Daughter: Pam (Office)
Son: Ryan (Office)
Prodigal son: Pac-Man
Crazy cousin from Florida: Creed (Office)