Tag: art

Busy to the Power of Ten!

That pretty much sums up my life for the past month. I’m hoping things slow down soon. I could use an extra paid day off just about now! The next one doesn’t come until the end of May. I am looking forward to it!

Here’s a snapshot of what I’ve been working on:

Just a few sketches of a digital drawing that I want to finish by the end of this month and a wood pattern I created in photoshop.

I took the stitches mentioned in my last post out today. The process was much easier than I had anticipated (that’s always a plus…and so is not going to the doctor’s office)! It is such a nice day out. I already went for a walk and am tempted to go out for a second one.

Return to Tomorrow: March

This month flew by. It went so fast, that I almost missed it!

I’m happy to report that I’ve been able to keep up with my New Years Resolutions so far. This month sported 2 projects, both of which were posted:

Is Winter Over Yet?
A Very Bester Surprise

I’ve been doing overtime for the past week, and I am wiped out! I will be doing it next week, and here’s to crossing my fingers that they don’t extend it after that! I don’t know what I will do about art projects if they do–Art projects…sanity…relaxation…

I spent the bulk of this Saturday (oh, my precious, darling Saturday!) at the hospital getting stitches. This weekend sure slipped through my fingers! I’m fine though, so that’s what matters I suppose.

Books read:
1/3 — I’m still working on The Watchers Out of Time. Books of short stories take me a while to read. I’m going to pick a novel for my third book; I hate that this one is taking me this long.

Return to Tomorrow: February

I am glad February is finally over! To say that this month has been stressful, would be a severe understatement. Well, it’s onto month number three, March. Here’s to hoping that it turns out to be a great month!

So far, my New Years resolutions are holding up. A look at February’s projects:

Tensor, said the Tensor – posted on the 15th

“Life Tree”
9 in x 12 in || 1.5 hours || pencil

This was done for a friend at work. My cameras did not want to take pictures of this for some reason and kept running out of batteries. I kid thee not! I was lucky that this picture made it into my old camera before the batteries went out!

I’m happy to say that my coworker loved it! It always feels good to know that someone enjoys your art!

Books read in 2011: 1/3
I’m currently working my way through The Watchers Out of Time by H.P. Lovecraft and August Derleth (it’s a collection of short stories).

Whistle While I Work…

The lapse in updates was due to the overtime mentioned in my last post. The past two weeks have been stressful; I won’t lie! But, I was able to finish a drawing. It’s on the creepy side, something different, and something I had fun experimenting with! I like the technique I used for it and am getting faster with it.

Tensor, said the Tensor.

This is an ode both to Babylon 5 (namely, the Psi Corps/telepaths) and The Demolished Man by Alfred Bester. The woman, Cynthia Redding, in the drawing is the main character of a short fan fic I wrote. The words (thoughts) swirling about her are lyrics to a jingle in The Demolished Man:

Eight, sir; seven, sir;

Six, sir; five, sir;

Four, sir; three, sir;

Two, sir; one!

Tenser, said the Tensor.

Tenser, said the Tensor.

Tension, apprehension,

And dissension have begun.

Disclaimer: I do not own/did not create Babylon 5 or The Demolished Man

Here’s a link to a bigger version of it on my DA account.

Update: 16 October 2010
+ Added a new section: Needles and Pens – Other Art

Check out my gallery for a sample of my work (click on the image to view it):


October 2010 commission status: 0 / 2 OPEN!

Sizes and Medium:
Medium: Pencil, Colored Pencil, Mixed, Digital

up to 9in x 12in (22.8cm x 30.4cm)
at your discretion

$10 per hour with a $15 minimum for all drawings
$5 for Shipping and Handling (except for digital pieces)

1 pencil drawing: 3 hours + S & H = $35
1 digital drawing: 3 hours + 0 = $30

Payment Policy:
For orders of $50 or less, the fee is required up front.
For orders over $50, you may pay half up front and later pay the rest upon completion of the commission.

Payment Methods:
Money Order

*Allow for a 7 – 10 day grace period.

Work Policy:
I can take 2 commissions per month.

Once I receive your payment, I will notify you via email and give you weekly or semi weekly updates (depending on the nature of the commission).

Drawings may take 3 to 4 weeks (more if it is a complicated piece) to complete and mail out.

If you want the piece to get to you by a deadline, let me know when you place the order.

Orders are shipped out on Saturdays.
All sales are final!

How to Order:
Email me with a description of what you want (including the back drop), the medium (pencil, digital..etc), and your size preference.

Once I calculate how much the piece will cost (I have a good grasp on how long something will take me; see my gallery for details), I will reply with the price and payment instructions.

Contact: Michelle Crabb at quirkydistractions@gmail.com with “Commission” as the subject header!

Got a question? Check the FAQ first!

Update Archives:

26 September 2010
+ Added 2 sample images to the gallery
+ Added 2 commission examples in the new Commission Corner section

o2 October 2010
+ Opened October commissions