Tag: 90s

Welcome to Grasshopper’s Realm

To say that I was thrilled when I saw this week’s Seriously Geeky Sundays topic is a huge understatement. I am excited to go down memory lane with this one–even if it reveals just how old I truly am. It doesn’t feel like it was that long ago that I was hanging out in chat rooms discussing the Backstreet Boys or logging into Angelfire to update my website.

Banner depicting a website from the early 1990s
1996 here I come!

14th March – The World Wide Web of Us

Way back in 1989 on March 12th Sir Timothy Berners-Lee invented the internet. We all started our journey on the World Wide Web at different times, and while we’ve each had unique experiences we’ve all ended up in the same place; right here reading these prompts! Join in celebrating the anniversary of the internet by sharing your answers this week 

When did you first start using the internet?

Personal computers were still evolving and were just becoming widely available to the general public when I was a teenager. Back then households had one computer. Yes, just one.

We got Internet at home when I was a Junior in high school, but I didn’t use it regularly until we moved and I started going to a different school. I remember feeling lost as I sat down in front of a computer in Computer Lab and asking the girl next to me how she found all those pictures of the backstreet boys on hers. By the end of that period, I was an expert in all things Yahoo search and JPEGs. 

Backstreet Boys
The Backstreet Boys!
What nostalgic things do you remember from your early days of the internet? (Example)

We were all in the same boat of discovering this new and unexplored technology. We collectively felt a mixture of awe, a deep longing for knowledge, endless quests to gather as much information as you could on your favorite topic, and wondering where that new friend you made in the chat room was from. 

If you found an awesome website, you wrote down the url, brought it to class, and shared it with your friends or you added it to your favorite links on your website (everyone had a links page back then).

With that being said, I have to go with Yahoo, Angelfire, Geocities, and chat rooms. I liked finding themed rooms to talk about all the teeny-bopper stuff I was into back then.

A small snippet of my old Angelfire site’s links page.
How long have you been blogging?

Off and on since I created my first web page, Mishkin’s World. It was your standard 90s mess of midi players, animated gifs, repeating backgrounds, and text (I remember a lot of people would turn their sites into journals and diaries before the term blogging became popular). Sadly, I could not find Mishkin’s World on Wayback Machine. I did, however, find the second site I made, Mishi’s Sanitarium.

Before your eyes gaze upon the horror that are these screencaps, I must fully warn you of the cringe; the absolute and utter chaos coupled with bad fanart. Click to view full size. And yes, I plan to redraw “Wolf Master” and the emo crying girl.

Did you ever belong to any online fan clubs or message boards?

You bet! If it had to do with the Backstreet Boys or Sailor Moon, I was there. I frequented Save Our Sailors all the time (SOS was a Sailor Moon fansite dedicated to not canceling the show and airing all of the seasons in the US).

Sailor Moon
What are your favourite sites on the internet?

Oh how times have changed. If you had asked me in 1999, I’d have listed specific urls, but now? I mostly just use social media like Facebook and Twitter. I don’t have a favorite site anymore, but if I had to pick one, I’ll go with YouTube. I get so much use out of that site. There are so many helpful tutorials, documentaries, time killers (ha ha), and great stuff to play in the background when I draw on there.

Do you have any geeky online stores to share with us?

Oh goodness, yes! A group of us back in high school thought we were the most badass hackers on the planet because we could get into the library computers and change the backgrounds. I mean, we all had seen Hackers, and suddenly Hackerman!

Me in all my strange 2003 glory! Behind me is my first PC. It served me well.

A Trip Down 90s Lane

I’d like to thank Heather of Just Geeking By and The Bizzaro Mage of Winst0lf Portal for tagging me in this challenge!

I am forever stuck in the 90s. I listen to the NuMetal of the late 90s and early 2000s like it was yesterday. I still have a few things I wore in high school. I was fully into the grunge, camouflage, and pseudo 60s fashion of that era. Come to think of it, I know I have my peace sign necklace and earrings somewhere.

Let’s get to it! 

Favourite TV Show

There were so many shows I loved back then, but I have to go with Sabrina the Teenage Witch. TGIF was something I looked forward to every week because it meant Sabrina was on. What is there not to love about a teenage girl with powers and a talking black cat?

Favourite ’90s Song

This is another tough one, and I get the feeling that this is going to be a theme for me because 90s = awesome. I’ll have to single out a song based on one that I was obsessed with and listened to all the time–more so than any other song. *Puts on thinking cap.*


After much deliberation in the labyrinth that is my mind, I’ll have to go with The Macarena because of the amount of times I danced to it and how overly enthusiastic I was about teaching it to others. One of my best friends got a tape with every last remake, cover, and edition of it. We spent forever listening to it and doing that dance over and over again!

Favourite Commercial/Advert

I loved anything involving nerf guns and water guns!

Here is a great list of them. I had almost forgotten about Miss Cleo!

NSYNC or Backstreet Boys?

Backstreet Boys all the way. I collected all of those Teen Bop magazines with them in it, had posters, bought all of their CDs, and you name it! If it had to do with BSB, I probably had it.

Favourite Music Artist

There is no possible way I can pick just one! Instead, I’ll list my top 10:

  1. Backstreet Boys
  2. Destiny’s Child
  3. The Spice Girls
  4. Coolio
  5. Tupac
  6. Usher
  7. Brandy
  8. Britney Spears
  9. Alanis Morrisett
  10. Michael Jackson
Did You Collect Anything Back Then and What Did You Collect?
  • Pogs
  • Polly Pockets
  • Coins
  • Anything involving the Lion King
  • Anything with camouflage on it
  • Football and baseball cards
  • Keychains (I still have them!)
How Many Tamagotchis Did You Go Through?

I honestly can’t remember! I’d keep it in my lap at school and check it under my desk, ha ha! I remember this one kid was fascinated by it. He’d always ask how it was doing and wanted see me feed it (I’d also save a turd or two for him to ‘flush’).

Favourite Video Game and Console?

Golden Eye on Nintendo 64.
There were many afternoons spent at my friends’ house playing it and getting mad at her oldest brother for cheating. 😉

Favourite Cereal/Free Cereal Toy?

I’m going to have to go with Cracker Jack toys because we only ever had Cheerios or Raisin Bran, and they didn’t typically come with toys, which is why I loved Cracker Jack boxes.

Who Was Your ’90s Crush Growing Up?

Ace Ventura and Nick Carter were the main ones.

What Was Your Favourite Disney Channel Movie?

We never got the Disney Channel, but I loved ABC’s Wonderful World of Disney night (Sundays). There was no excitement like gathering around the TV and watching Tinker Bell spread her sparkling magic over the castle!
It was Disney time. 

Favourite Show? (Disney, Nick, Cartoon Network)?

We didn’t get any of those channels. If we’re picking cartoons, The Simpsons by far! I think every kid in the 90s wanted to be Bart Simpson.

Weirdest Fashion Trend

Platform sneakers or combat boots with baby doll dresses.  

Disney, Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network?

We did not get these channels, but if I had to pick, Disney.

What Early Morning/Weekend TV Shows Would You Watch?

Inspector Gadget was serious business. We’d get up super early before school to watch it and CHiPS (yes, CHiPS). We had to have our dose of Go Go Gadget Copter! and motorcycles.

Favourite McDonalds Happy Meal Toy?

Yet another hard question! I honestly don’t know! I’ve been racking my brain trying to remember any one toy that stood out from the rest.

 Going to McDonald’s was a treat. You went for the Happy Meal with its burger, fries, soda, and toy! Playing with the toys was of most importance to us kids, so much so that our mother would ensure we finished our burgers and fries first 😉

Favourite Book

The babysitter’s club series. We even made our own babysitting club and watched the younger neighborhood kids. 

What Would You Watch When You Got Home From School?
  • Out of This World
  • Square One (PBS). Our favorite sketch was Mathnet because we thought it was cool and wanted to be detectives. Come to think of it, we really liked cop/detective shows!
What Was Your Favourite Thing From the ’90s That’s No Longer Available Today?

Optimism – but I don’t want to end this post on a depressing note, so let me think of something good!


  • Going to the music store and previewing music at their headphone stations and buying my favorite single
  • Flare jeans
  • Butterfly hair clips
  • Disney’s animated feature classics
  • Those narrow ankle length skirts & wearing combat boots/platform sneakers with them

Anyone who’d like to take a trip down memory lane! What was your favorite thing from the 90s? Do you still have something from that era?