I have some exciting news to share! I put my illustrations on hold two weeks ago for a super secret mission…Cue some sort of suspenseful tune with a catchy beat! Now, then, what did I do with my time?
I entered a drawing into a contest that was hosted by the talented Walter Koenig (Star Trek’s Chekov, Babylon 5’s Alfred Bester, and the author of Buck Alice and the Actor Robot). He posted a caption on Twitter, and contestants were to draw a picture to go along with it.
Imagine my delight when I logged into Twitter on Sunday and saw this

I am thrilled, and I’m still kind of speechless!
As you can see from the screenshot, the winners get an autographed copy of the first issue of his latest comic, Things to Come. The second half of the prize is a copy of Things to Come in graphic novel format. The graphic novel is available for pre-order on Amazon.com.
I’ve read one of his other original works, Buck Alice and the Actor Robot. It was an enjoyable mixture of wit and humanity at its core. His characters were quirky, flawed, and flat out entertaining. The novel is a keeper!
Oh—before I forget! Here is the picture I had sent in!

I will flood this blog with pictures when the autograph comes in! I am still in shock (the good kind of shock) over all of this!