Category: Babylon 5

24 Days of Art

Congrats on Another Successful Orbit of the Sun, Earth!

Join me in congratulating Earth for making another successful orbit around the sun. Good job, Earth!

I made up my own challenge and decided to do 24 days of art last month. The goal: draw/paint something or work on an unfinished piece for the first 24 days of December, and I am happy to report that I DID IT! If you remember my post in May when I lamented over the fact that I wasn’t as prolific as I used to be, 24 days of art helped me overcome that difficulty.

With out further adieu, here is the result of December’s challenge.

Geek Out Your Living Space

And it’s time for another fun filled prompt from Seriously Geeky Sundays! This week’s questions are near and dear to my heart. I have always filled my dwellings with posters, banners, and action figures of my favorite shows and movies.

31st January – Decorate

We’ve come to the final week of the Adorn, Decorate and Embellish three-month theme. It’s Inspire Your Heart With Art Day today which is the perfect day to explore the topic of decorating in relation to fandoms and being a geek.

Do you decorate your home with geeky products?

Oh yes. So much yes. I’ll focus on areas of the house that I don’t think I regularly post photos of. I mean, I’ve posted Club High Castle many times! I’m going to let other places share the spotlight today.

For starters, let me talk about the stairs and our hallway. We’ve got space posters along the stairwell. As you go up the stairs, you are greeted with banners from House Stark and Targaryen. House Lannister appears when you turn into the hallway itself. At the end of that same hallway, I have a signed High Castle poster from Season 2 that I won in 2016 and a Star Trek poster a friend gave me.  

Do you own any posters or fanart prints? If no, what ones would you like to buy?

Do your own fanart prints count? Because I have at least two posters that were made from my own drawings. It’s one of the advantages of being an artist. If you want it, you can draw it right then and there. 

A print of one of my own drawings hangs in the hallway.
‘Have you ever commissioned an artist?’ and/or ‘Which artist/s would you like to commission work from?’

No, but only because I am an artist. I have had people commission me in the past for digital art and paintings. It’s so much fun and a nice fall back for periods of office closures and whatnot. As much as I enjoy it, I always get nervous right before I send the piece. My mind automatically goes into full THEY WILL HATE IT AND TELL THE INTERNET mode. 

 If I were to commission an artist, it would be a carpenter to help me build an awesome, vintage meets High Castle home office. I want to commission a seamstress/tailor for a few things for my WWII French Resistance impression. I can make armbands, but clothes are another matter! 

What character’s home/room gives you DIY envy?

Every single room and set from the Man in the High Castle, but that goes without saying, so I’ll pick something different. 

This is technically not a character, but I would LOVE to build an add-on to my house that looks exactly like Walt Disney’s apartment in Disneyland. I love that turn of the century look, and to be able to just disappear for a while would be fun. 

The main character of the last fandom you enjoyed is giving your room a make-over; what does it now look like?

We’ve been watching a lot of serial killer and crime documentaries, so I’m going to go with our weekly Wednesday dose of The Expanse from Amazon, and HELL YES! I pick Draper and Alex to redecorate my room to look like a badass Martian war room/apartment in all of MCRN’s glory, complete with my very own uniform. If it was up to me, Mars would rule the galaxy. 

If you could decorate a room in the style of a fictional place what would it be?

Besides High Castle (because y’all know I’m going to pick that), I’ll go with Star Trek: The Original Series. I absolutely adore post-modern depictions of the future.

SGS: Looking Back at 2020

What a year this was! If you asked me one year ago how I thought 2020 would go, I’d have never predicted the burning dumpster that is actually 2020. And on that note, I can’t believe we are on the final Sunday of the year. 

This week’s Seriously Geeky Sundays prompt is a fitting way to end the year, but keep your eyes peeled because I’ll be doing something special later this week! 

I’ll be posting the Inaugural Grasshopper Awards: personal awards of fun for my favorite things I’ve stumbled upon this year! 

27th December – 2020 in Fandoms

It’s the final SGS of the year and let’s be honest, 2020 has been awful. Our fandoms have gotten us through a lot this year and we’re here to celebrate them (and shame them) this week.

Which fandom was the highlight of your year?
  1. The final season of Mr. Robot on Amazon Prime – As sad as I am to see the show end, I felt that they did an excellent job of wrapping things up, not to mention that BOMB of a twist! I think that was my favorite thing about the finale! I won’t post spoilers for those who have yet to watch the awesomeness that is Mr. Robot. 

2. The NFL (lol!) There is something calming about putting a game of football on and letting it play in the background. I threw myself into it this year (I am literally typing this in a Jimmy G jersey and a George Kittle hoodie). I wore my 49ers beanie when I went out today and my 49ers apron when I was baking! It’s fun to fully immerse yourself into something like that because you can take a break from the ills of the world. 

Which one surprised you the most?

Space Force on Netflix – I ended up laughing way more than I thought I would and loving the silliness of it all. It was a much needed break from the burning dumpster we’re all currently in. 

Did you revisit an old fandom?

Babylon 5 – Namely my favorite black clad telepaths, Psi Cops. I drew a hell of a lot of Psi Corps fanart this year (when I looked back at my art, I was kind of surprised by *just* how much I revisited Babylon 5 and the Psi Corps). 

What was the best new release of this year for you?

This is not going to surprise anyone. I mean, I dressed as a genderbent character from it for Halloween, ha ha! 

The Boys – Season 2! Beyond the gore, the season explored important themes by weaving them into the story. We weren’t beat over the head with them, but instead experienced them through the characters. I am looking forward to Season 3!

What fandom was the biggest let down?

1. Netflix canceling Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. That show was so good. I hope Amazon picks it up (I mean all of the sets, props, and puppets must be stored somewhere…).

2. The injuries that plagued the 49ers at the beginning of the NFL season. I had such high hopes that we’d see another Big Game appearance this year, but…2020 reared its ugly head and took a fat-

You get the drift! 

3. I’m not going to name this one, but I feel it’s worth  mentioning to make a point. I tried liking it, really, I did! I even wrote little reviews to try to force myself to like it because it seems to be taboo to feel otherwise (there is a huge difference from casually not being into something and actively hating on it and harassing people every chance you get). I miss the days where you could have civil discussions, and disagreeing with someone wasn’t seen as being the enemy. There is a “You’re either with 100% of my opinions or you’re a horrible person” mentality now. I write this in hopes that there are others out there who feel the same way about this trend.

Who were your favourite characters of 2020?
  • Homelander – That magnificent bastard
  • Starlight
  • Queen Maeve
  • Kimiko 
  • The Black Noir
  • A – Train – At this point, I just need to say almost everyone on the Boys, lol!
  • Elliot (Mr. Robot) – I relate to the hoodie wearing anxiety ridden introvert!

SGS: Back to Hogwarts, I Mean School!

I missed last week’s Seriously Geeky Sunday because I was down in the dumps about 2020 and turning 40, but thanks to my friends on FB and Twitter, you guys made the day special, and I am touched by the outpouring of love and kindness you guys showed me! I truly was happy on my birthday. Thank you.

I’m officially over the hill and also a queen 😉

Back to School season is here, and binder queen is thrilled at all the organization supplies at the Dollar Tree!  And…. It’s time for another Seriously Geeky Sunday brought to you by the creative Heather at!

6th September – Back to School

Every hero and villain needs to learn the tricks of the trade somewhere, right? That means going to school, learning from a mentor or joining a secret society. This week you’re heading back to school; fandom style!

Which fictional school is your first choice to study at and which is your absolute last?

Despite my dislike of a certain author who shall rename nameless, my favorite fictional school has always been Hogwarts. I love the uniforms, the flying broomsticks, the sorting and the camaraderie shared with your house–and just about everything about it! I mean think of the fun adventures the trio had!

In case you are wondering, I am forever a Slytherin. 


As much as I love Netflix’s Umbrella Academy, I have to go with that one as my last choice because of the harsh way their father forced lessons on them, and the way he isolated Vanya from the rest of the family. 

Next; choose a fictional uniform to wear to your new school (i.e. what’s your favourite?)!

Nothing beats the Psi Cop uniform from Babylon 5! It’s sleek and evokes power. I suppose this comes as no surprise to anyone considering how many times I’ve drawn characters from other shows as Psi Cops. 

Psi Cop men & women’s uniforms
What fictional subject/s are you studying?
  • Advanced Telepathy: deep scanning and self defense
  • Introduction to flying and broomsticks
  • Introduction to household spells
  • Wand Care 101
  • Starfury pilot course: basics of flight
What is your favourite fandom set in a teaching setting?

This is a tough one because there are so many I’ve enjoyed throughout the years. 

First up is A Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes because I’m already thinking about giving it a 3rd read. 

Runner up is A Game of Thrones when Jon Snow joins the Night’s Watch and has to train with the rest of the new recruits. Those scenes rank among my favorites in the series. They were fun and gave so much more depth to the character.  

Which fictional teacher is your favourite, which is the most useless and who do you find the most inspiring?

I can’t think of any favorites or inspirational because I am a cynical brat who sees them as humans with flaws ;). However, I can think of a multitude of useless ones, but one fictional teacher in particular takes the cake on uselessness. Can I get a drum roll please?

Severus Snape from Harry Potter. He’s a verbally abusive bully who should not be anywhere near anything involving students. His emotions and grudges from his childhood get in the way. 

Severus Snape

The runner up goes to Dumbledore. What’s that gasp of shock, I hear? He was a manipulative old bastard who played favorites and relished in his delusions of self importance and godhood. Take a few moments to look back and think about it. You’ll see! I mean, he manipulated Harry for seven long years into doing his bidding to the point where Harry basically worshiped him like a blind fanatic…Not to mention that he let Snape abuse his students year after year (Snape should have been fired long ago!). 

School’s just started; who’s in your school gang? Who’s the bully, the jock, the cheerleaders, popular kids, nerds etc.

Bully: Chief Inspector Kido
Jock: Garibaldi
Cheerleaders: Starlight, Jadzia Dax, and Troi
Popular Kids: Smith, Homelander, and Delenn
Nerds: Spock, Lenier, and Hermione

SGS: Geek Pride!

It’s time for another Seriously Geeky Sunday brought to you by the creative Heather at! I had so much fun with this one!

24th – Geek Pride

Tomorrow is Geek Pride Day and today’s questions are all about what being a geek means to you.

What is your Geek origin story? (How did you become a geek?)

I thought long and hard about this one, and it goes all the way back to high school. One of my friends was an avid manga/anime fan and introduced me to it.Her backpack was always full of manga, which she always let us borrow. I remember slipping manga inside my textbooks and reading them during class, ha ha!

Once we were hooked, she introduced us to Sailor Moon, and let my origin story begin! We gave each other nicknames and also a sailor scout. The nickname has stuck with me to this day!


That’s right! That’s where my nickname came from. I feel like I’ve had it my entire life at this point!

My sailor scout was Sailor Neptune because of my wavy hair.

It all started from there. My inner geek had been unleashed, and there was no turning back! 

What does being a geek mean to you?


You should see my office/art studio! On one wall, we have Babylon 5 Psi Corps posters (including two autographed pieces from the man himself, Walter Koenig!), on one shelf is a family of tribbles, and on the wall to my left are sketches of Rufus Sewell as a Targaryen. 

In the cabinet directly across from me is filled with Star Trek action figures and other various articles of geekdom.  Downstairs, as you all know, is Club High Castle, my blog’s namesake. The club is filled with things I’ve made, painted, and collected over the past 5 years. 

How do you express your geeky side?

In my art and how I dress (I feel like dressing in my retro style is a geekness all of its own).

What are some of your favourite geeky websites and places to shop? Before Think Geek was bought out, Think Geek
  • Amazon – Action figures, geeky attire–you name it!
  • Etsy – You can find almost anything on there because there are many talented artisans on that site! It’s where I got my Loki vest. 
  • Unique Vintage – Not your typical geek aesthetic, but I want to say dressing the way I do is geeky in a fun, retro sort of way. My life-hack with Unique Vintage is to favorite something and wait for it to go on sale and then wait to buy it on sale because they sometimes email you coupon codes. I like to rack up the savings, ha ha!
Who are some of your favourite geeky celebrities?

I don’t follow celebrities’ personal lives, so I have no idea!  I’ll have to name a few based on the characters they play and things they’ve said or done on stage.

  • Stephen Colbert – Mentions Lord of the Rings on his show a lot.
  • Tom Hiddleston – Made that badass appearance in full Loki costume AS Loki at Comic Con one year.
  • Dwight Schrute (I realize this is a character, but he’s realistic, so he’s on this list!).
  • Walter Koenig – has the biggest collection of Chekov action figures on the planet, and he is just awesome. I mean he played Bester! I’ve seen photos of him in a Psi Corps hat!
Who are some of your favourite geeky bloggers?

Everyone who joins in on the Seriously Geeky Sunday fun! I mean it! This has been so much fun discovering blogs and meeting people! I can’t wait to start reading everyone’s geek origin stories!