Author: grasshopper

The Flowers are Blooming!

Spring is starting to show budding signs of life. Flowers started cropping up and are now blooming. It’s so much fun to come home to flowers everywhere. Some of them are in neat rows, while others are popping up like wild flowers. There are a few lone rangers out there, growing wherever they please.

Longer days are on their way, and I can’t wait! I feel much more energetic when the light lasts longer.

I’ve updated my countdown. It always takes a few days for updates in pictures on photobucket to show up, but the count should be at 3 now. I’m still trying to pin down a sure fire schedule for my illustrations so that I don’t get burnt out, don’t get lazy, and am able to continue doing unrelated art.

I’m learning a lot with these illustrations. Let’s just say that my respect for comic book artists has skyrocketed!

Month in Review: January

I’ve added another link to my News section on the right side of the blog, 21! It explains the countdown at the bottom of my blog. I am very excited about the mysterious project. 😉

I updated the graphic for my medical bills. Only $400 to go, and I’m done with that fiasco. It just goes to show, that even if you have insurance, you still come out at the bottom of the barrel. Now…if I happened to win the lottery….One can dream, can’t she?

Here is what I’ve accomplished for the month of January:

Vorta Lovin’ – I participated in an art trade with another artist, and this is what she wanted. Don’t you just love it when you like the subject matter just as much as the other person? I had a blast with this piece.

I do not own, and nor did I create Star Trek

….and 1 super secret illustration

Books read
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath – an enjoyable read
The Iron Heel by Jack London – I give it a “meh;” however, given that it was written in 1908, it is worth a read if you can get through the first 100 pages.

21 is the Game

I’ve added a countdown graphic at the bottom of my blog for a special project that I started in December. I’m excited about this and have been working on it ever since. However, I must keep the bulk of it a secret for undisclosed reasons. Oh, I’m being so vague, aren’t I? 😛

It involves 21 illustrations and a cover, and that is the one and only clue I’ll post for now! I’ll reveal more and more as I get closer to the magic number at the end of the countdown!

I’ve finished 1 illustration…only 20 to go!

Oh My!

I put all my little peg dolls in a tin so that I could carry them outside for a photoshoot. I found a beautiful spot, set the tin down, opened the lid, and *gasp!* Bester!

I swear, I did not put him in there like that!

Now that my computer problem is fixed, here are the official graphics for the last two dolls (I, Me and I, Marcus) Both of these will be added to Needles and Pins.

I, Marcus

Marcus was made as a gift for my wonderful friend, E.R., so he is not in the I, Me photoshoot. Rest assured, he has a great home now!

First Project of 2012

I couldn’t help myself and painted a “me” peg doll since I love the show, Babylon 5, so much and created a lot of art (not to mention stories) related to it.

Here she is! The unpainted doll beside her is going to be Londo.

I, Me – Wooden peg doll. It comes to no surprise that she is a Psi Corps telepath…