Author: grasshopper

Hello, December!

This year has flown by. It’s still hard to think that it’s already December. At any rate, I’m happy to say that I survived my first retail Thanksgiving and Black Friday. I’m normally in the back,but on those two days, everyone is pulled out of their comfy caves to ring people up.

The number one thing that was said to me on Thanksgiving was:
“I’m not sure if I want this. I don’t think it’s on sale enough. Hmm…I guess I can always return it if I don’t like it!”

No comment…

[ Insert witty paragraph transition here ] 
I can only stare at a document so long! I should make a list of paragraph transition catch phrases and rotate them. “And now for a sudden change in topics because the giant space kitten in my computer demands it…” The space kitten wears go-go boots, so it’s all good.

I’ve been drawing Disney/Babylon 5 crossovers lately, and it is time that I posted some fanart again.

Princess Talia Winters

Bester and his partner, the Evil Queen Kelsey, team up to get Snow White Ivanova

King Thranduil of Mirkwood does not want to be left out. He’s not Disney, but he enjoys his new Psi Cop attire
I tend to post about my fanart on Twitter. If you’d like to follow my personal twitter account, feel free to at @MishiWan It’s not anything like Mr. Burple Berry (to give everyone a heads up). It’s a standard, chatty Twitter feed.
For those who missed the announcement:
I published a short story as an ebook. See this post for a sneak peak at it: It’s a Bit Electronic

I added covers to my books on the right side of my blog. Click on the images to be taken to the books!

It’s a Bit Electronic

With Thanksgiving around the corner, it’s time for most to curl up, relax, and enjoy a good book! While I’m saving up for an editor for my novel, I am writing short stories set in the same universe. They are all set five years before the events that take place in The Year is Now.

Here is the debut of my first short story ebook! It is available for $2.75 and is suitable for e-readers, iPads, and other e-reading devices.

Lucius Sinclair 
Click here to purchase Lucius Sinclair.

The year is Y.E. 0417, and Lucius Sinclair is finally free of his reckless, abusive twin. Where Remus was gifted with wit and brawn, Lucius was plagued with a nasty little trait that the empire exterminates—telepathy.

Now that he is attending vocational school and is far away from his brother, Lucius is shocked to find that he is actually excelling at his trade. Just when he feels safe and starts fitting in with his peers, he stumbles into a disturbing truth. It turns out that he’s not the only one harboring a deep, dark secret.  Betrayal is almost certain. Follow this short story as Lucius Sinclair struggles to hide his true face and cope with the turbulence thrown his way.

Watch this special empire broadcast for a sneak peak of Lucius Sinclair!

How to read an ebook on an iPad:
Go to Apple’s app store
Search for “iBooks”
Select iBooks by Apple
Download the app
iBooks is easy to use and is very straightforward. You don’t have to be a computer genius to enjoy it and start reading ebooks. 

Gobble, Gobble!

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. I normally shy away from cliché “What am I thankful for” posts, but I feel that I need to make one this year. This is partly due to the fact that the retail trend of pushing Black Friday into Thanksgiving has gotten worse this year.

If you’re not sure what I am talking about, go to google and do some quick research.

Whatever happened to taking a break from the real world to enjoy the company of your loved ones? When I was a child, going out to buy things you didn’t need on Thanksgiving was unheard of. The grocery stores would open in the mornings for those last minute food items people forgot, but they were always closed by noon. Always.

You simply didn’t go out shopping (that’s what Black Friday was for). You didn’t shop before eating and certainly not afterwards—The children would play with their siblings and cousins while the adults sat around the “adult” table, drinking their mysterious adult beverages.

It was a day to enjoy yourself, to relax, and to reflect on the important things in life: the things you were thankful for.

Now that I’ve jingled my two cents in front of everyone, here are five things that I am thankful for!

The PJ pants mentioned in #4

1.    Moving! Granted, I hated the packing and unpacking part, but I am glad we moved because I am really happy here. I enjoy the atmosphere, and it has allowed me to expand my writing and artistic abilities

2.    My tablet. I consider it to be an electronic typewriter with paper all in one! It is also a free way to make video calls with family members who live several thousand miles away. Before I got it, the last time I saw my mother was in 2009. Now I can see her and others a lot more often!

3.    The small things. It could be a fond memory unlocked by a random incident, someone offering me a smile and a complement, a favor done for me, or making someone else smile!

4.    Food/Shelter/Clothing. Those three things go without saying, but I am grateful and appreciative of them. I appreciate my winter pajama pants so much so, that over 10 years later, I am still wearing them (it helps that the powers that be knew how to make sturdy clothing back then)!

5.    Family and friends. This also goes without saying. Family is always there, even if life gets busy. When you contact them months (sometimes years) later, it feels as if there never was any sort of time gap. The same holds true for friends.

Let’s Get Digital

YARRRG! I had myself a buccaneeringly good time yesterday!

What is a pirate’s favorite letter?
The sea, of course!

The pirate costume was a hit. I enjoyed the number of pirate jokes people told me last night.

…And now for a not so creative subject transition, because I will sit here all morning trying to come up with a way to meld Halloween and pirate talk into personalized mouse pads and writing. I only have so much time before I need to be at work, Harrrr!

There are many things you can do with digital art. I figured it was high time I turned one of my pictures into something tangible and useful. Take this picture I drew a few weeks ago, for example!

Taken as soon as I got home from working a late shift. 
I was that excited when I saw that it had come in the mail!

Here is the bright daytime version! 
The key chain is glossy, so the camera’s flash sort of made it look glittery.

I am pleased with how these two things turned out! There are many places online that allow one to personalize little things like mouse pads, key chains, mugs, and etc. It’s always rewarding to see something like this staring back at you from a fun, professional looking item sitting on your desk!

And on that note, I am still offering commissions! Click here for details.

And now for a word, many words

I am still sending out query letters for my novel. At this rate, it is going to be a long time before I can afford a copyeditor to give it that final pass. I have decided to write short stories in the meantime.
I will publish them as mini-ebooks on Lulu, so keep your eye out for some news! The stories will all take place in the universe I created for my novel. If you like sci-fi and drama, they just might suit your fancy.

A Very BOOctober Post

Let’s kick today off with another spook-tastic post!

Happy Halloween!

I am excited for tomorrow. We can wear costumes at my new job, so of course I am going to join in the fun. Anyone who knows me knows that I cannot resist an opportunity to dress up. I doubt I will ever grow out of costuming.

Tomorrow’s festivities will start off with a tedious errand, but since the errand is (quite literally) right by my work, I will be adding a yarrrrggg! to my adventure…Because walking around dressed as a pirate adds a dash of awesomeness to even the most mundane of tasks.

Here’s to hoping everyone has a fun and safe Halloween!