They Say it’s Your Birthday!

It also just so happens that I have the day off!

I woke up to see that Google had a cute little graphic for me! 

I’ve been extremely busy as of late, but I made time to sneak some fan art in (between editing several different things, work, and adulting). I’m working on a huge project that I’m excited about, but I won’t say more until it’s in the final stages…Call me paranoid, but I don’t like squeeing, jumping up and down, and chatting about a project until it is practically ready (you never know when a serious case of unavoidable, annoying adulting busy-beeness will strike!).

A vacation is just over the horizon, and by vacation, I mean I am parking my butt here and writing. It will be nice to have some time off! *Must make it…must make it!*

And here’s to wishing you a very Triluminary day!

Delenn from Babylon 5 as a Disney Princess