Hello, Everyone! I am back with another fun filled Seriously Geeky Sundays brought to you by Heather! I’ve been busy these past two weeks with a virtual conference, so I hope today’s post makes up for it.

7th March – Maiden, Mother, Crone
March 8th is International Women’s Day (IDW), a worldwide celebration of women, and later this month it is also Mother’s Day in the UK. What better time to think about the leading ladies of fandom?
Who is your favourite leading lady?
I couldn’t possibly choose just one! There are so many well written women that I’ve admired over the years, so I included a few honorable mentions at the bottom of this question.
Ellen Ripley from the Alien franchise – the first Alien movie was ahead of its time and still holds up even to this day. She is such an iconic character, and I’ll always rank her among my favorite female leads.

Honorable Mentions
- Starlight – The Boys
- Queen Maeve – The Boys
- Kimiko – The Boys
- Princes Leia – Star Wars
- Delenn of Minbar (Babylon 5)
Which kickass female fighter do you admire?
My favorite female fighter will always be Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games trilogy. She’s realistic with her fears, failures, and emotions, yet she has the intellect and skill to survive and bring hope to those around her.

Honorable Mentions
- Princes Leia – Star Wars
- The awesome ladies on The Boys!
- Juliana Crain – High Castle
Who is the most badass female villain in your opinion?

Fire breathing dragons. Need I say more? I wish the final season had the full 10 episodes because Daenerys became one of my all time favorite villains in the span of a single season. She always had it in her, and I wish we had gotten to see more of it in Westeros.
Do you have a favourite fictional mother or grandmother?
You know I’m going to pick Helen Smith from High Castle, right? Because I pick Helen Smith from High Castle. She protected her children at all costs, and when she failed to protect her son, she went through a dark, emotional spiral, but she came out of it with the realization that she had been wrong and that she was going to save her daughters and take down a certain ideology no matter the cost.

IDW is about celebrating women’s equality and inclusivity in all fields; what characters have championed this cause?
If something is obviously preaching at me, I tend to not take interest in it. I want to be immersed in a book, show, or movie, so much so, that I lose track of time and forget my woes. Examples of inclusivity done right include The OA, The Expanse, and MCU’s The Black Panther film

Which women in pop culture inspire you?
- Wonder woman (she was an icon of my childhood!)
- Galadriel – Lord of the Rings/The Hobbet
- The Romulan Commander from Star Trek: TOS
- Major Kira – Star Trek: DS9
- Catwoman (kid me loved cats and wanted to be badass, okay!)