And it’s time for another fun filled prompt from Seriously Geeky Sundays! This week’s questions are near and dear to my heart. I have always filled my dwellings with posters, banners, and action figures of my favorite shows and movies.

31st January – Decorate
We’ve come to the final week of the Adorn, Decorate and Embellish three-month theme. It’s Inspire Your Heart With Art Day today which is the perfect day to explore the topic of decorating in relation to fandoms and being a geek.
Do you decorate your home with geeky products?
Oh yes. So much yes. I’ll focus on areas of the house that I don’t think I regularly post photos of. I mean, I’ve posted Club High Castle many times! I’m going to let other places share the spotlight today.
For starters, let me talk about the stairs and our hallway. We’ve got space posters along the stairwell. As you go up the stairs, you are greeted with banners from House Stark and Targaryen. House Lannister appears when you turn into the hallway itself. At the end of that same hallway, I have a signed High Castle poster from Season 2 that I won in 2016 and a Star Trek poster a friend gave me.
Our mini Nasa corner in the living room GOT in the hallway Assortment of things near my desk End of the hallway
Do you own any posters or fanart prints? If no, what ones would you like to buy?
Do your own fanart prints count? Because I have at least two posters that were made from my own drawings. It’s one of the advantages of being an artist. If you want it, you can draw it right then and there.

‘Have you ever commissioned an artist?’ and/or ‘Which artist/s would you like to commission work from?’
No, but only because I am an artist. I have had people commission me in the past for digital art and paintings. It’s so much fun and a nice fall back for periods of office closures and whatnot. As much as I enjoy it, I always get nervous right before I send the piece. My mind automatically goes into full THEY WILL HATE IT AND TELL THE INTERNET mode.
If I were to commission an artist, it would be a carpenter to help me build an awesome, vintage meets High Castle home office. I want to commission a seamstress/tailor for a few things for my WWII French Resistance impression. I can make armbands, but clothes are another matter!
What character’s home/room gives you DIY envy?
Every single room and set from the Man in the High Castle, but that goes without saying, so I’ll pick something different.
This is technically not a character, but I would LOVE to build an add-on to my house that looks exactly like Walt Disney’s apartment in Disneyland. I love that turn of the century look, and to be able to just disappear for a while would be fun.
The main character of the last fandom you enjoyed is giving your room a make-over; what does it now look like?
We’ve been watching a lot of serial killer and crime documentaries, so I’m going to go with our weekly Wednesday dose of The Expanse from Amazon, and HELL YES! I pick Draper and Alex to redecorate my room to look like a badass Martian war room/apartment in all of MCRN’s glory, complete with my very own uniform. If it was up to me, Mars would rule the galaxy.
If you could decorate a room in the style of a fictional place what would it be?
Besides High Castle (because y’all know I’m going to pick that), I’ll go with Star Trek: The Original Series. I absolutely adore post-modern depictions of the future.