What a year this was! If you asked me one year ago how I thought 2020 would go, I’d have never predicted the burning dumpster that is actually 2020. And on that note, I can’t believe we are on the final Sunday of the year.
This week’s Seriously Geeky Sundays prompt is a fitting way to end the year, but keep your eyes peeled because I’ll be doing something special later this week!
I’ll be posting the Inaugural Grasshopper Awards: personal awards of fun for my favorite things I’ve stumbled upon this year!

27th December – 2020 in Fandoms
It’s the final SGS of the year and let’s be honest, 2020 has been awful. Our fandoms have gotten us through a lot this year and we’re here to celebrate them (and shame them) this week.
Which fandom was the highlight of your year?
- The final season of Mr. Robot on Amazon Prime – As sad as I am to see the show end, I felt that they did an excellent job of wrapping things up, not to mention that BOMB of a twist! I think that was my favorite thing about the finale! I won’t post spoilers for those who have yet to watch the awesomeness that is Mr. Robot.

2. The NFL (lol!) There is something calming about putting a game of football on and letting it play in the background. I threw myself into it this year (I am literally typing this in a Jimmy G jersey and a George Kittle hoodie). I wore my 49ers beanie when I went out today and my 49ers apron when I was baking! It’s fun to fully immerse yourself into something like that because you can take a break from the ills of the world.
Which one surprised you the most?
Space Force on Netflix – I ended up laughing way more than I thought I would and loving the silliness of it all. It was a much needed break from the burning dumpster we’re all currently in.

Did you revisit an old fandom?
Babylon 5 – Namely my favorite black clad telepaths, Psi Cops. I drew a hell of a lot of Psi Corps fanart this year (when I looked back at my art, I was kind of surprised by *just* how much I revisited Babylon 5 and the Psi Corps).

What was the best new release of this year for you?
This is not going to surprise anyone. I mean, I dressed as a genderbent character from it for Halloween, ha ha!
The Boys – Season 2! Beyond the gore, the season explored important themes by weaving them into the story. We weren’t beat over the head with them, but instead experienced them through the characters. I am looking forward to Season 3!
What fandom was the biggest let down?
1. Netflix canceling Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. That show was so good. I hope Amazon picks it up (I mean all of the sets, props, and puppets must be stored somewhere…).
2. The injuries that plagued the 49ers at the beginning of the NFL season. I had such high hopes that we’d see another Big Game appearance this year, but…2020 reared its ugly head and took a fat-
You get the drift!
3. I’m not going to name this one, but I feel it’s worth mentioning to make a point. I tried liking it, really, I did! I even wrote little reviews to try to force myself to like it because it seems to be taboo to feel otherwise (there is a huge difference from casually not being into something and actively hating on it and harassing people every chance you get). I miss the days where you could have civil discussions, and disagreeing with someone wasn’t seen as being the enemy. There is a “You’re either with 100% of my opinions or you’re a horrible person” mentality now. I write this in hopes that there are others out there who feel the same way about this trend.
Who were your favourite characters of 2020?
- Homelander – That magnificent bastard
- Starlight
- Queen Maeve
- Kimiko
- The Black Noir
- A – Train – At this point, I just need to say almost everyone on the Boys, lol!
- Elliot (Mr. Robot) – I relate to the hoodie wearing anxiety ridden introvert!