Its our third trip here at Seriously Geeky Sundays! Today’s trip takes us to my world, the Americas!

Around the World in 8 Sundays – North America
Week three of our Around the World in 8 Sundays (a multi-week theme taking us around the world) takes us to North America as the United States celebrates Thanksgiving this week.
Who is your favourite Northern American character?
You know who I’m going to say. I’ll give you one guess….

What is your favourite film set in North America?
This is a tough one. There are so many I love and enjoy. It is hard to pick just one. I even looked at our collection of DvDs to try to make up my mind which one I like best! I’ll name a few favorites: Apollo 13, Our Tarantino collection, Thor, and The Avengers.
North American history features frequently in pop culture, which part do you feel is overdone and which do you wish was covered more?
I have a similar answer to @winstolf’s. And can I just say thank you, Winstolf, for the well thought out answer mixed with kindness? Thank you!
As much as I love reading and watching anything involving WWII, I am tired of how they portray soldiers as picture perfect cutouts with demi-god levels of aptitude and skill. And then there are the pointless love stories which always seem to be between two flawless people. They hardly ever have a strand of hair out of place, even in war zones, and are about as interesting as watching paint dry.
As for what I’d like to see more of, WWI. We need more WWI movies. I feel like it is often skipped over in favor of what will sell (WWII). I’d also like to see more alternate histories/realities like The Man in the High Castle and Handmaid’s Tale. I am a sucker for those!
North America tends to be seen as mainly just the US and Canada, which other countries do you recognize in fandoms?
There are a ton of great movies filmed in Mexico. My favorite would have to be Kill Bill: volumes 1 & 2. I am a huge Tarantino fan. His movies are fantastic! When I heard that he’d be directing the next Star Trek, I was elated. He knows how to make a good film. However, I don’t know if they’ll ever actually make the movie now because that was several years ago.
Although Hollywood is at the center of the entertainment industry, the Canadian entertainment industry is blooming. What is your favourite Canadian production?
Does The Man in the High Castle count? It was mostly filmed in Vancouver/Canada.

In 2019, I was in Vancouver for work and had the opportunity to walk to Smith’s headquarters. I still have the hand written directions and map I drew (I was not taking chances, ha ha!).
Broadway musicals are a national treasure in the US; do you like musicals?
I have never been a fan of musicals. Broadway is a national treasure to those who can afford it, and please don’t hate me for saying so! I mean no offense It’s just how I feel.
The only musical I have any interest in watching is Hamilton, and it would have to be live (I cannot sit still for a musical at home. The second someone starts belting out a tune, I’m done, ha ha!). With that being said, I enjoy certain songs from musicals as songs.