Today’s prompt is near and dear to my heart. I have always been fascinated by space. Fifteen year old Queen Grasshopper’s room was plastered with Nasa posters, one of which, I still have to this day (I’ve been meaning to frame it after all these years). My ceiling was covered in glow in the dark stars, and I’d lay in bed just gazing at them.
Would I ever go to space?
Would there be a colony on the moon by the time I was 40?
Would we go to Mars?
July 19th – Galaxy Adventures
Tomorrow is National Moon Day, the anniversary of when Apollo 11 landed on the moon. It’s a day in our history when our world got that bit bigger and that means it’s time to talk about adventures in Galaxies Far Far Away.
What is your favourite sci-fi fandom?
Sci-Fi fandoms can be wonderful, and they can also be hard–I mean it is only natural that a group of passionate people have their differences! This is a tough question because I’ve made so many lifelong friends through the various sci-fi fandoms that I’ve been a part of over the years.
I have traded gifts with friends (most of whom are on the other side of the pond ). I’m always on the look out for gifts to send to a select few during my travels, but 2020 has thrown a wrench into that for now. I look forward to the day I can peruse a gift shop in some far away state!
Through fandoms, I’ve laughed, I’ve created art, I’ve had arguments (I mean..who hasn’t?), and I’ve been introduced to new ways of thinking–opening up my mind to become the kind person that I am today.

So in answer to this question, I’ll look back at the good times and name my top three.
1. High Castle
2. Star Trek
3. Babylon 5 Psi Corps/Bester fandom
Runner up
Star Wars – many fond memories of my teens and early twenties of creating stories with my friends and doing group cosplays on Halloween. I still have the Jedi costume that was tailor made for me!
What is your favourite fictional planet?
The Martian Congressional Republic
Mars from The Expanse – I love how militaristic they are. I love how their society is one of do what’s best for everyone; in other words, Group Think. They are fascinating to me and I love any and every shot of Mars in that show! I look forward to seeing how the events of the show play out for them. I’m a little worried, ha ha!

Who is your favourite alien character?
This is impossible to pick just one, so I’ll name a few.
- Weyoun from Star Trek: DS9
- The alien queen from Alien
- The predator from Predator
- Kira from Star Trek: DS9
What is your favourite alien species?
This should come as no surprise to those who follow me: Vorta and Romulans. They’re sneaky, cunning, conniving, and attractive.

What alien creature would you like to have as a pet?
Tribbles: they are cute, fluffy, and purr. Need I say more?

What is the most visually stunning alien landscape you’ve seen in a fandom?
I’ll have to go with any landscape involving the protomolecule from The Expanse. I love the glowing blue tones and the orbs; everything is so eerie yet beautiful. I love it!

I keep hearing a lot about the Expanse. I have to admit when it was first released it looked really boring, and now the more I see and hear about it I realise that it has so much more depth to it. It’s now on my to watch list!
It is one of those shows that is exciting right off the bat and throws you into their world because it’s so fast paced (in a good way!).