It’s time for another Seriously Geeky Sunday brought to you by the creative Heather at!
Today’s prompt was so much fun to dig into because Retro Futurism is one of my all time favorite aesthetics. Kid me’s vision of 2020 would have looked like a mixture of this with flying cars:

June 28th – Technology
June 23rd is Alan Turing’s birthday, and Turing was a British computer scientist who developed the Enigma machine during World War II. His work in computer science was groundbreaking and he theorised about artificial intelligence. Today we’re thinking about technology in fictional worlds:
What is the weirdest fictional technology item you’ve seen?
The stove pipe reporter’s hat from Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
What is the most disastrous technological innovation?
Single use plastics like packaging, beer pong cups, and shampoo containers. I feel like they’ve made us lazy, and when we’re done with them, we just throw them away without a second thought. They’re piling up with no end in sight.
I hope they come up with a biodegradable alternative soon, I mean the year is 2020, but then again the year is 2020
The other disastrous innovation(s) is weapons of mass destruction. I don’t need to go too deep into that one for obvious reasons.
Who is your favourite robot/droid?
Data – Not only is he a walking computer with all the intelligence the universe has to offer, but he is kind, friendly, and has a deeply human side. It made me so happy when Q gave him the gift of laughter for saving his life.
What fictional futuristic item do you think will become real one day?
Starships – SpaceX is developing one this very moment!
What futuristic vehicle would you love to take for a ride?
A flying car.
I’ve been fascinated with them ever since I can remember. I used to hope that the year 2000 would bring us flying cars, but it’s 2020, and I don’t see it happening anytime soon.
I am pleased that they are working on self driving cars! I’ll settle for that.
If you could have any character/celebrity be the personality for a supercomputer, who would it be?
Data from TNG because he wouldn’t play pranks or get snarky (let’s just say that the supercomputer would be smashed to bits if it played pranks on me or got an attitude….lol).