Be Kind & Code
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TweetIt’s time for another Seriously Geeky Sunday brought to you by the creative Heather at
June 14th – Captain, My Captain
It’s Captain Picard’s birthday in two days and so today is dedicated to all the iconic captains in your life.
Who was the captain of your childhood?
I am an 80s child, so it goes without saying that it was Captain Planet! Captain Planet was serious business in the neighborhood for us kids. We’d pick a power, make tokens out of grass, leaves, and twigs, and fight evil! I think I always picked wind or water, but my memory fails me–however, I still remember the song!
Captain Planet, he’s a hero!
Gonna take pollution down to zero!
When you think about captains who is the first one to come to mind?
Picard, thanks to a certain friend of mine

Who is your favourite fictional captain?
Does Bester count? I mean he is the commander of the Black Omegas….Okay, I’ll pick an official captain. Since I can’t decide which Star Trek captain is my favorite (they have so many good qualities in different ways), I’ll go with another show.
Camina Drummer, Tycho Station’s Belter head of security who later becomes captain of the OPAS Behemoth. She’s fierce, but she is loyal to those who deserve it. She doesn’t take crap from anyone.
As a side note, I want to say that I love the chaotic dynamic between her and Klaes Ashford!

Who is your favourite crew?
Hands down, DS9 Seasons 1 – 6 with Sisko, Kira, Jadzia Dax, Odo, O’Brien, Bashir, and Worf! The TNG crew comes to a close second in my book! They cared so much about each other and were like family.
What is your favourite ship?

The Rocinante from The Expanse – she is badass, highly maneuverable, and did I mention badass? I realize these are completely shallow reasons
The last fandom you experienced has suddenly been cast at sea/into outer space. Who is the captain and who are their crewmates?
I’ve read The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes and am now working my way through rereading the original Hunger Games trilogy, so here is my Hunger Games crew!
- Captain: Haymitch
- First Officer: Peeta
- Chief of Security: Katniss
- Science Officer: Dr. Gaul (as long as she follows Federation law and does no harm). She’s highly intelligent and a capable scientist.
- Doctor: Prim
- Chief Engineer: Plutarch Heavensbee (what I said for Dr. Gaul goes for him too).
- Helm/Pilot: Gale
- Counselor: Tigris (from the Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes)
- Chief Administrative Officer: Effie
And because I’ve done something like this for The Man in the High Castle in the past, here is some old crossover fanart:

I had to double-check if characters were captains too! I was like.. wait, what is their actual rank again?! Whoops.
That’s three of us now that named Captain Planet as our childhood Captain hehe
That cartoon definitely left an impression!
Don’t forget to pop your link in the link up <3
It did! Every time I read the words “Captain Planet,” the theme song pops into my head, lol.