It’s time for another Seriously Geeky Sunday brought to you by the creative Heather at! I had so much fun with this one!
24th – Geek Pride
Tomorrow is Geek Pride Day and today’s questions are all about what being a geek means to you.
What is your Geek origin story? (How did you become a geek?)
I thought long and hard about this one, and it goes all the way back to high school. One of my friends was an avid manga/anime fan and introduced me to it.Her backpack was always full of manga, which she always let us borrow. I remember slipping manga inside my textbooks and reading them during class, ha ha!
Once we were hooked, she introduced us to Sailor Moon, and let my origin story begin! We gave each other nicknames and also a sailor scout. The nickname has stuck with me to this day!
That’s right! That’s where my nickname came from. I feel like I’ve had it my entire life at this point!
My sailor scout was Sailor Neptune because of my wavy hair.

It all started from there. My inner geek had been unleashed, and there was no turning back!
What does being a geek mean to you?
You should see my office/art studio! On one wall, we have Babylon 5 Psi Corps posters (including two autographed pieces from the man himself, Walter Koenig!), on one shelf is a family of tribbles, and on the wall to my left are sketches of Rufus Sewell as a Targaryen.
In the cabinet directly across from me is filled with Star Trek action figures and other various articles of geekdom. Downstairs, as you all know, is Club High Castle, my blog’s namesake. The club is filled with things I’ve made, painted, and collected over the past 5 years.
How do you express your geeky side?
In my art and how I dress (I feel like dressing in my retro style is a geekness all of its own).

What are some of your favourite geeky websites and places to shop? Before Think Geek was bought out, Think Geek
- Amazon – Action figures, geeky attire–you name it!
- Etsy – You can find almost anything on there because there are many talented artisans on that site! It’s where I got my Loki vest.
- Unique Vintage – Not your typical geek aesthetic, but I want to say dressing the way I do is geeky in a fun, retro sort of way. My life-hack with Unique Vintage is to favorite something and wait for it to go on sale and then wait to buy it on sale because they sometimes email you coupon codes. I like to rack up the savings, ha ha!
Who are some of your favourite geeky celebrities?
I don’t follow celebrities’ personal lives, so I have no idea! I’ll have to name a few based on the characters they play and things they’ve said or done on stage.
- Stephen Colbert – Mentions Lord of the Rings on his show a lot.
- Tom Hiddleston – Made that badass appearance in full Loki costume AS Loki at Comic Con one year.
- Dwight Schrute (I realize this is a character, but he’s realistic, so he’s on this list!).
- Walter Koenig – has the biggest collection of Chekov action figures on the planet, and he is just awesome. I mean he played Bester! I’ve seen photos of him in a Psi Corps hat!
Who are some of your favourite geeky bloggers?
Everyone who joins in on the Seriously Geeky Sunday fun! I mean it! This has been so much fun discovering blogs and meeting people! I can’t wait to start reading everyone’s geek origin stories!