It’s time for another Seriously Geeky Sunday brought to you by the creative Heather at!
Okay, so I love food. I really, really love food. I love making it, and I love eating it! I made bread, cake, and ice cream on Thursday, and let me tell you A Thing: delicious!
17th – Food
If you could have any fictional food item become reality, what would it be?
Romulan ale! I have always been tantalized by its blue color and its highly intoxicating content, ha! For those of you who have known me for a while, you’ll remember I visited my mother in August and found a mysterious bottle of Romulan ale (my mother and step dad don’t watch Star Trek or anything sci-fi related, so it was bizarre). I wish I had drank it.
When I was there in February for my uncle’s memorial, it was still there, and I promised myself that I’d drink it when I visit in April. Well COVID-19 happened, and you know the rest. Hopefully it’s still there because I really want it and am kicking myself for not drinking it in August.

What is your favourite food moment/scene?
I swear there is a scene in The Orville where Captain Mercer attempts to spit out alien food awkwardly in his napkin or is grossed out by it. I cannot remember which episode, and google has failed me…Okay, so it’s me desperately trying to type the right things into the search bar and failing, ha ha!
What fictional restaurant would you like to visit?
the Three Broomsticks Inn for some good old fashioned butterbeer!
What is the most decadent dessert you’ve seen in a fandom?
Pretty much any desert with chocolate. Diana Troi’s favorite deserts come to mind!
What is the most disgusting fictional food item you’ve seen?
Spoo from Babylon 5 and Taspar Eggs from TNG
Just thinking about Spoo makes me gag! I don’t care if it’s supposed to be the most delicious food in the universe, the second someone puts that in front of me, I’m gonna offend the galaxy by pushing it away. Nope to the power of nope, and Bester better read my mind before serving that, ha ha!
More than you ever wanted to know about Spoo:
Spoo is a fictional food product that served as a running joke within the Babylon 5 science fiction television series. In the series’ fictional universe, spoo is made from alien worm-like creatures of the same name, and is considered to be the most delicious food in the galaxy, regardless of which species is asked. Although it is a universally loved foodstuff and an actively traded commodity, the creature itself is regarded with contempt by the races that consume it.
Taspar eggs evoke an immediate gag reflex, so I’m not going to go into describing them. If you’d like to experience the wonderful world of Cardassian Taspar eggs, watch Star Trek: TNG, Chain of Command. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!
What is your favourite fandom inspired recipe/food item?
I haven’t tried any, so I don’t have an answer for this one. However, I want that bottle of Romulan ale!
I almost popped Three Broomsticks Inn down as my answer and then realised it was probably for the ambience and environment rather than the menu. I’m not sure if I could live on just Butter Beers all the time!