Looking at Heather’s wonderful prompts, I just realized that April is almost over. Is it really the last Sunday of the month already!? How did that happen? Even with quarantine it feels like it just zipped by!
This week’s Seriously Geeky Sundays theme hits close to home, and I am super excited about it. As you all know, I’m an artist who loves to draw, paint, write, and sew!
26th April – Creativity
What does creativity in fandoms/geeky interests mean to you?
EVERYTHING. Just look at Club High Castle!
High Castle is the one fandom where I’ve felt like I’ve been allowed to flourish. The countless hours and dedication I’ve put into the things I’ve created has been appreciated by both fans and the cast and crew. I have never experienced anything like it, and it has genuinely made me happy over the years.
I’ve been in other fandoms where art and things just slipped by unnoticed–not that I’m seeking attention, but knowing that there are people out there who enjoy my work is an amazing feeling and a strong motivator to continue creating!
What is the most creative storyline you’ve come across?
Well…hmm…I don’t know…. *Looks around at blog* I am a grasshopper through and through!

Who is your favourite arty/creative character?
Frank Fink (High Castle), Pam (The Office), Data (Star Trek: TNG), Tora Ziyal (Star Trek: DS9), Loki (Marvel Movies) – Yes, he is creative, and I am putting him on this list! Just think of all the schemes he does and his artful mastery of magic!)

Who is your favourite quirky character?
I’ve thought about this one, and I have to say Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter. She didn’t care what others thought and wore her quirkiness like a badge! I always love characters that think outside of the box. Box? What box?
Which fictional innovative invention do you wish existed in real life?
Replicators from Star Trek. It would solve so many problems and make life so much easier. Whatever you want to eat beamed onto a plate within seconds? Sign me right up! Oh, and let us not forget about the fact that to “do the dishes” all one needs to do is place their dirty dish into it and say, “recycle.”
What upcoming fandom are you most looking forward to?
I honestly don’t know. With High Castle finished and done, I don’t feel the urge to jump to another fandom so quickly. I am not ready to let go. Since quarantine, I haven’t been paying much attention to what’s coming out. I know that everyone is playing Animal Crossing, and that’s about it, ha ha!

You are not alone in not playing Animal Crossing! Although I have to admit seeing everyone else playing it has made me want to play it! I never considered Loki and he is a very inspired choice, also fits perfectly in that category. To come up with all the tricks and manipulations he does he has to be extremely creative!
This makes me feel better that I’m not the only one who hasn’t played it yet, ha ha! I probably won’t because you have to buy it…yes, I can be cheap at times, especially now with everything going on.Loki = the MASTER of everything…okay, so I am totally biased!