For the first time in several years, I am home for Easter. Normally I am on the West Coast for work and would be taking a train to see my sister or father (or aunt/uncles!). While I am sad that I won’t get to see them this year, I am thankful that everyone is safe and healthy, and hopefully I’ll be able to see them over the summer.
Because I’m normally on the other side of the country, I forgot to stock up on Easter candy and Easter things!
Without further ado, here is this week’s Seriously Geeky Sunday!
12th April – Easter & Spring
Who is your favourite bunny?
Frank the Rabbit in Donnie Darko…Okay, I’ll pick a less creepy favorite! Bugs Bunny was *the* rabbit when I was a kid. Looney Tunes was the most exciting thing on the planet for 5 year old me, ha ha!
Spring is a time of rebirth so thinking about fictional worlds and characters; what does rebirth mean to you?
- A second chance
- A chance to try again–to keep trying until you accomplish your goal(s)
- A chance to let yourself blossom and thrive

Easter wouldn’t be the same without Easter Eggs; if you could have anything hatch from an egg what would it be?
This is easy! A dragon. I’d ride it across the seven kingdoms Flying and fire = WIN.
What fictional location reminds you of spring?
Spring here is chaotic. One year it will be mild and warm, another year it will be endless, miserable rain, and another year it will have scattered snowstorms. It’s not my favorite season when it’s the latter two, so I’ll have to go with a summer in Winterfell – it can be cold there when the ravens cry “Summer! Summer!”
An Easter egg isn’t just a chocolate treat it’s also a hidden item for fans to spot. What’s your favourite easter egg?
I am the worst person to spot Easter eggs in movies and television. I even googled this to see if there were any I unknowingly found, but nothing rang a bell. The same goes for riddles. It’s just not a skill I have, ha ha!
Plan a themed Easter egg hunt for your favourite characters.
A High Castle Easter
Ed smiles as he carries a carton of hard boiled eggs. Some of them are dyed in earthy yellows, oranges, and reds, while the others retain their natural brown state. His heart races, not out of fear, but out of joy. When was the last time he, Frank, and Jules were together? And now he had Jack; this was going to be an Easter to remember!
He pauses for a moment and places the first egg underneath a rose bush. Yes, it was a bit childish, but in a world of sorrow, sadness, and death, there needed to be little echos of light.
He places the second egg in a patch of grass. His stomach growls. They were going to enjoy the eggs with salt, pepper, and bottles of Fanta later on. Jack said he had a surprise for them. Ed beams. The sun is out, bathing the small village in warmth.
Today was going to be a good day.
I think Canada is the only place in the world that understands what the weather is like in Scotland. Your description of Spring was very very familiar lol. Four seasons in one day? Check. Pretty sure we even have those ravens….
As for the bunny; spooky bunnies count!
Excellent! Spooky bunny = best bunny! And yes, it is four seasons in one day season. Petition to rename Spring to WTF Is Going On Season!