Hello everyone! I stumbled upon a great idea: Seriously Geeky Sundays by Just Geeking By. She has several months worth of prompts to have fun with every week.
Let’s get started!
5th April – Beginnings
Let’s start with the basics; who are you and what do you do?
I am the owner and eccentric bartender of my fictitious bar, Club High Castle. Just call me Mishi, Luna, or Grasshopper. Any of those is fine.

As for what I do in the real world, I am an IT Specialist (this roughly translates to if it is anything involving electricity, I’m your gal). I am fortunate to have a job where I can travel (no traveling at the moment, of course!).
When did you start blogging?
Was 2010 really ten years ago? When did that happen? I’ve been blogging off and on for the past ten years. I feel like I have two settings: blog all the things or *crickets.* I remember when I first started out that I felt like I had to try and be a witty, literary genius.
Don’t ask me to go back and read posts from that era–good lord I was trying waaaaayyyyy to hard to sound smart. I probably came off as a clueless snob who didn’t know how to Internet or People.
Do you personally identify as a geek or nerd, or both?
Both? I mean it doesn’t get much more nerdy than wheeling AV equipment around…
When did you first realise you were a geek/nerd?
This goes all the way back to high school, and I know I’m going to be dating myself here, but I believe it started with the 1995 film, Hackers. It didn’t come into full bloom until I was stationed at my first base and bought my first computer. Oh, all the endless nights staying up until 2 am! It was impossible to NOT be a geek if you were in the Comm Squadron. I remember a bunch of us having weekly LAN parties where we played Starcraft, ha!
What was your first geeky interest?
What was the first movie you watched this year?
I haven’t gone to the movie theatre in 2020 yet (and by the looks of things, I probably won’t be going anytime soon). I think the first movie I watched was Jojo Rabbit on a plane (I love flying certain airlines because it’s my chance to catch up on movies, ha ha!).
This was super fun, and if you want to participate, join me next week for another Geeky Sunday!
Wonderful to meet you Mishi! Thank you so much for taking part in Seriously Geeking Sundays and I loved getting to know you this week. I completely get the ‘you can’t get much nerdier than…’ thing too; I have two undergrad degrees and a Masters in information and library studies. As you said; can’t really get much nerdier than that
I love the idea, and I hope it catches on because it’s hard meeting new people these days!