Free Hamburgers

It is Day 3 of my Post-A-Day challenge!

Day 3: Enjoy Labor Day. What did you do on Labor Day? 
 I found a Post-A-Day prompt for September on Pinterest (there is much more to that site than food and Mrs. Cleaver’s favorite picks). Here is a link to the pin: Pin me!

Monkey says “hello” as he swings over one of my work shirts.

I worked! However, I didn’t mind because I was being paid extra and there were free hamburgers. You can’t go wrong with that. I just lounged around when I got home. My Labor Day wasn’t blog worthy, I’m afraid!

…Although Monkey is pretty awesome. You can sling shot him across the room, and he hoots a few monkey calls. I need to make a note to myself to never bring him to work. I’d be inadvertently annoying everyone within a twenty foot radius…I can’t be trusted with such things. Remember, it’s not how old you are, but how old you feel. [ Insert winking emote here ]