I hope everyone is having a fantastic Independence Day Eve! I have hot wings, French fries, and Coca Cola waiting and ready for tomorrow. Odds are that it will rain, but that won’t stop me from enjoying a good meal!
I’ve been steadily making progress in reading through, editing, and making changes to my NaNo novel (the one I wrote in November). It now has a working title, and I decided to take a break from drawing fan art and do something original for a change. This is a part that doesn’t show up in the book. Aren’t I a big meanie for drawing something behind the scenes?
Gaming is serious business, especially when you’re sick, and there is a silly summer event going on. Collecting items and adding unique accents to your outfits is THE business. After all, one must look fashionable if she is fighting crime and trying to save the galaxy. The efforts of Saturday are displayed below! My character is proud of her flowers and awesome jet pack.
I hope everyone has a safe and happy 4th!