Here is that promised lengthy post about the miniature Bester plush I finished last weekend!
“A Very Bester Surprise”
13.5 cm tall || 12 hours || sewing project
Yes, he really took 12 hours to create! This was my first attempt at creating a plush, and it was all hand sewn. I even created the pattern from scratch (this is included in that 12 hours).
I started out three weeks ago, spending about 2 hours each night after work on him that first week. The following week was freezing (in my opinion), and I didn’t spend as much time on him. I’m not one for cold temperatures. Even if I’m in layers with heat, I tend to not move, want to move, or do anything! It’s just how I roll.
Where was I? Ah, yes; that second week wasn’t very productive, but the following weekend was a warm one, and in that 2 day span, I finished him in record time! I had to make a stop at the local craft store for some fabric glue because I had to get the hair just right. What I had initially sewn on ended up warping and shrinking after I stuffed his head. Bester’s sideburns are classic, and I wasn’t about to skimp out on those!
I’ve uploaded a tutorial on my blog; feel free to check it out and test the waters (it’s my first tutorial for something like this, so I hope I made it easy enough to follow). I hope you enjoy the chicken scratch and formulas I left on the patterns! Who says Math has no use in the real world?
Check out the tutorial
I added Mini Bester to Needles and Pins
Alfred Bester is part of Babylon 5, written by JMS — I do not own/create Babylon 5